[Risge-rg] Next 2 RISGE-RG meetings

Marcin Plociennik marcinp at man.poznan.pl
Tue Mar 11 08:16:58 CDT 2008

Dear All,

1. I would like to remind you about next  (3rd) RISGE-RG meeting that 
will take place in conjunction with INGRID 2008, 9-11 .04.

We would have there 2 sessions:

RISGE-RG - part 1 - best practices
During this session main goals of RISGE-RG would be presented as well as
best practices.
"RISGE-RG - main goals and plans" - Marcin Plociennik, PSNC, Poland
"Ocean Observatory Initiative and Grid Computing" - Duane Edgington, 
........... - TBD

Duration 90 minutes

RISGE-RG - part 2
This session is a continuation of the discussions and work started
during RISGE-RG group session at OGF21 in Seattle and OGF22 in
Cambridge. During this session group will discuss the first collected
use cases.
Duration 90 minutes

Please let me know if you are willing to give best practices 
presentation(new results, etc.) during this meeting. (for the first session)

2.  4th RISGE-RG meeting will take place during OGF23 in Barcelona 2-6 June.
There is a proposition to have also 2 sessions, one 45 minutes for 
another 90 minutes for work on the use case document.

Please let me know if you are willing to give best practices 
presentation or demo during this meeting.

Please send to the list your remarks or suggestions if any.

best regards

              Marcin Plociennik
 Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center

 61-704 Poznan, ul. Noskowskiego 10 POLAND
 phone (+48 61) 8582181
 e-mail: marcinp at man.poznan.pl

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