[PNPA-RG] ogf-tsc-strategy document

Schwarz Kilian K.Schwarz at gsi.de
Tue May 29 01:20:28 CDT 2007

Dear group members,


I added the document "draft-ogf-tsc-strategy-1.0" into the document section of our group (meeting materials).

>From David Snelling I requested that the PNPA-RG should be mentioned in section 3 of the document.

In general this document and further versions of it may serve as an input for future discussions within our group.

This may be also a pointer where we might direct future requests of the HENP community from OGF to.




Kilian Schwarz



Dr. Kilian Schwarz

Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung mbH


Planckstr. 1, D-64291 Darmstadt, Germany 

phone: +49-6159-71-2076

fax  : +49-6159-71-2986  



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