[Pgi-wg] High Capacity Use Case updated

Mark Morgan mmm2a at virginia.edu
Fri Sep 3 12:27:51 CDT 2010

I have uploaded the "High Capacity Computing" usecase document with  
revisions to address comments.  Summarized as follows:

* Comments from Morris Riedel
	- Clarify difference between HTC and HPC
		-- Based off of your comments embedded in the document itself, I  
have added a small clarification statement in the introductory paragraph
	- Title is confusing -- clarify
		-- Wasn't entirely sure what to do with this, so I changed the title  
to get rid of the "Traditional HPC User" portion, hopefully  
disambiguating the title.

* Comments from Etienne
	- The template is BAD
		-- The template is the exact one that we as a group decided on (more  
than once) to adopt.  Comment is therefor irrelevant and unhelpful.

* Oxana
	- Does not address necessity of common interfaces and standards
		-- No part of the use case requires those things, why should the use  
case have them?
	- Not sure how its different from the mid-range use case
		-- I believe that it is, but that is a subjective assertion and I am  
willing to accept that it isn't different.  If it isn't, then we can  
as a group decide to pick one or the other
	- Implementation suggestions all over the place
		-- I can't agree with this comment.  There are a number of places  
where implementations are given as examples, but they are not  
suggested as solutions
		-- I also describe some implementation details in the "How does it  
relate to PGI" which I agree shouldn't be in there, but we all agreed  
as a group to adopt that template, and the template asked for those  
items and so they are there.  In my opinion, they are there because of  
the template, but not part of the use case in general.

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