[Pgi-wg] OGF PGI - EDGI Use Cases

Etienne URBAH urbah at lal.in2p3.fr
Thu Aug 12 07:39:48 CDT 2010


Concerning OGF PGI Use Cases :

Thank you very much for your valuable comments on following EDGI Use Cases :

Enforce Security of a Production Service Grid

I have already taken into account all your comments.

Prepare Desktop Grid Version of Application

-  I have already taken into account most of your comments, and I have 
kept the 3 others as comments.

-  Concerning 'encapsulation' :
    - Do you consider it to be a goal more than a principle ?
    - Why couldn't a business rule stress that encapsulation has to be 
enforced ?
    - Could you provide suggestions permitting to improve the 
readability and meaning of my sentences ?

-  Concerning the 'EGI Software Rollout process' :
    I was NOT aware of it.  But I am very much interested at it.
    Could you provide me a link ?

Thank you in advance for your answers.

Best regards.

Etienne URBAH         LAL, Univ Paris-Sud, IN2P3/CNRS
                       Bat 200   91898 ORSAY    France
Tel: +33 1 64 46 84 87      Skype: etienne.urbah
Mob: +33 6 22 30 53 27      mailto:urbah at lal.in2p3.fr

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