[Pgi-wg] YAP - Yet Another Proposal

Andrew Grimshaw grimshaw at virginia.edu
Wed May 20 10:46:15 CDT 2009


(Note: I started this email before the call - I will finish it but do not
believe it will change any minds.)


I think defining IDL's will lead to non-interoperation without significant
work on wire format .. think CORBA and its failure until IIOP happened.


That said, here is a concrete proposal.


Start with BES AS IS


Create a new porttype BES_Extensions that defines two new functions


ActivityResonse [] CreateActivitySet(ActivityDocument []) - based upon the
BES create activity

The activity response is an EPR or a SOAP 1.1 fault message element


Define a StateTransferElement to be a <EPR, Destination_state) where
destination state is a string formatted as per the BES specification

Define a TransitionResponse to be a <new_state_string | SOAP1.1 fault


TransitionResponse [] StateTransfer (StateTransferElement [])


Profile ActivityEndpoint porttype

MUST support getResourceProperties

MUST support RNS:list

RNS:list MUST return a predefined set of <name, EPR> pairs that contain the
job information people want, e.g., session_directory, status


Then create a PGI-Basic-Profile

Conformance targets

MUST handle HPC-BP, HPC-FSE (implies MUST support BES 1.0 FactoryPortType
and JSDL)

MUST support BES-Extensions

MUST return EPRs to resources that support ActivityEndpoint

MUST support state model profiles for staging, suspend,
whatever_you_want_to_call_the_states_for_ARC if corresponding mechanism is

MUST support ActivityDocument element <StartInPending>

MUST/MAY support notification - we can argue this out - I do not have a
strong feeling - we support it, but we also poll


I would suggest that we have a separate conformance claim supporting RNS



This leaves one big question: How to handle GLUE?

For this to be answered requires that the specific elements of GLUE2 to be

Keep in mind the BES authors anticipated GLUE finalizing at some point.

That said we either simply add the desired GLUE XML attributes to the
results returned from getFactoryAttributesDocument, create a new function
that returns just the GLUE, or perhaps better yet support
getResourceProperties (I'd recommend using OGSA-WSRF-BP, it is supported in
Teragrid and caGrid in the US, also I think by Unicore, and by Genesis II)
and return the GLUE XML as resource properties.








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