[P2P] LSDVE at EUROPAR14 - PPNA Special Issue CFP

Laura Ricci ricci at di.unipi.it
Mon May 5 08:23:00 EDT 2014

*Call for Papers:
2nd Workshop on Large Scale Distributed Virtual Environments on Clouds 
and P2P (LSDVE 2014)
& ***Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (PPNA) Special Issue
* *

*LSDVE will be held   in conjunction with **EUROPAR 2014 
**August 25-26th 2014*

***Distinguished selected papers accepted and presented at the workshop, 
will be considered for
pubblication in a Special Issue of Springer Journal Peer-to-Peer 
Networking and Applications (PPNA)


*Paper Submission Deadlines:*
May 30th, 2014
*Notification of Acceptance:*
July 4th, 2014
*Authors early Registration:*
July 25th, 2014
*Workshop Dates:*
August 25-26th 2014
*Submission of Camera Ready Papers for Workshop Procedings:*
October 3th, 2014
*Submission of Papers for Springer PPNA Special Issue:*
to be announced
**Organizing Commettee :*

Laura Ricci: Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa, Pisa, 
Alexandru Iosup: TU Delft, Delft, Netherlands.
Radu Prodan: Institute of Computer Science, University of Innsbruck, 
*Workshop Theme:*
The recent advances in networking have determined an increasing use of 
information technology to support distributed cooperative applications. 
Several novel applications have emerged in this area, like computer 
supported collaborative work (CSCW), large scale distributed virtual 
world, collaborative recommender systems, collaborative learning systems.
The definition of these applications requires to afford several 
challenges, like the definition of user interfaces, of coordination 
protocols, and of proper middle-ware and architectures supporting 
distributed cooperation. Collaborative applications may greatly benefits 
also from the support of cloud and P2P  architectures. As a matter of 
fact, with the emergence of readily available cloud platforms, 
collaborative applications developers have the opportunity of deploying 
their applications in the cloud, or by exploiting a hybrid P2P/Cloud 
architectures with dynamically adapting cloud support. This brings 
possibilities to smaller developers that were reserved for the big 
companies until recently. The integration of mobile/Cloud platforms for 
Collaborative Applications is another challenge for the widespread of 
these applications. This track  aims  to provide a venue for researchers 
to present and discuss important aspects of P2P/Cloud collaborative 
applications and of the platforms supporting these applications. The 
track's aim is to investigate open challenges for such applications, 
related to both the applications design and to the definition of proper 
architectures. Some important challenges are,for instance, collaborative 
protocols design, latency reduction/hiding techniques for guaranteeing 
real time constraints, large-scale processing of user information, 
privacy and security issues, state consistency/persistence.
The track will both present assessment of current state and introduce 
further directions.

  * Large Scale Distributed Virtual Environments
  * Distributed Computer Supported Collaborative Work
  * Distributed Recommender Systems
  * Distributed Collaborative Learning
  * Distributed Collaborative Games
  * Exploiting Cloud Elasticity for Collaborative Applications
  * P2P Overlays for Collaborative Applications
  * Hybrid P2P/Cloud Architectures
  * Consistency/Persistence Issues
  * Massive-scale State and User Data Processing
  * Security and Privacy
  * Integration of Mobile/Cloud Platforms for Collaborative Applications
  * Multi-platform Collaborative Applications Support (phones, tablets,

We invite original papers previously unpublished.Full papers should not 
exceed12 pagesand follow the
Springer LNCS Style. We solicit the submission of  papers representing 
original, previously unpublished work. Submitted papers will be 
carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical 
soundness and clarity of exposition. Papers should be prepared as the 
.pdf files and submitted electronically to the LSDVE 2014 online 
submission system 
<https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=europar2014ws>. Submission 
of the paper implies that should the paper be accepted, at least one of 
the authors must register and present the paper at the workshop. Alla 
accepted and presented papers will be included in the Workshop 
proceedings that will be published in a separate LNCS Europ-par 2014 
Workshop volume. *A selection of the papers submitted at the workshop 
will be included in ***Special Issue of Springer Journal Peer-to-Peer 
Networking and Applications (PPNA).

*Program Commette:

  * Ranieri Baraglia, ISTI, CNR, Pisa
  * Emanuele Carlini*, *ISTI, CNR, Pisa
  * Massimo Coppola*, *ISTI, CNR, Pisa
  * Patrizio Dazzi*,* ISTI, CNR, Pisa
  * Juan J. Durrillo, Institute of Computer Science, Innsbruzk, Austria
  * Kalman Graffi, University of Dusseldorf, Germany
  * Alexandru Iosup, TU Delft, Holland
  * Dana Petcu, West University of Timisoara, Romania
  * Andreas Petlund, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
  * Radu Prodan, Institute of Computer Science, Innsbruck, Austria
  * Duan Rubing, Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore
  * Laura Ricci, University of Pisa, Italy
  * Alexey Vinel, Tempere University of Technology, Finland

Dott. Laura Ricci                  Phone: +39 050 2212768
Dipartimento di Informatica        Fax:   +39 050 2212726
Universita' di Pisa                Email: ricci at di.unipi.it
Largo Bruno Pontecorvo, 3          I-56127 Pisa, Italy

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