[ogsap2p-rg] [appagg-rg] RE: Closure of remaining groups?

Cees de Laat delaat at science.uva.nl
Tue Feb 1 11:11:53 CST 2005

I would support this given that there is a core audience. Please 
respond to Dimitris to get an idea of participation.

Best regards,

At 6:10 PM +0200 2/1/05, dimitris lioupis wrote:
>Dear all,
>I have not given up on APPAGG and have been working on some ideas which I
>would like to present at GGF13 in Korea. I would like to see the group
>complete and we have already produced a draft document. 
>1. I would like to propose a meeting in Korea where I present results about
>applying the GRID philosophy in appliances we can gain computing power.
>2. I would like to have a meeting with Cees and everybody interested to
>discuss what we need to do in the future to complete the RG.
>Regards and see you all in Korea.
>				-Dimitris-
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Cees de Laat [mailto:delaat at science.uva.nl]
>Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 8:54 AM
>To: p2p at ggf.org; appagg-rg at ggf.org; ogsap2p-rg at ggf.org
>Cc: i.j.taylor at cs.cardiff.ac.uk; Dimitris; Per Brand; Karan Bhatia; David De
>Subject: Closure of remaining groups?
>Dear p2p members,
>The p2p area has not seen much activity apart from a heroic effort to
>finish the doc in the ogsap2p research group. That doc is now in the
>editor pipeline and that group is closing down as discussed with
>Karan. The group will enter the "completed" state when the doc is
>So now I wish to understand if the appagg-rg is foreseeing any future
>activity or wish to meet at one of the next GGF's. If not or if I do
>not get an answer in the reasonable future I suggest also to close
>down the group.
>So please let me know if anyone in the p2p field wants to schedule
>anything in the next GGF in Korea or thereafter.
>Best regards,


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