[ogsa-wg] information data model - reviewed latest

Ellen Stokes stokese at us.ibm.com
Tue May 6 19:43:24 CDT 2008


Thank you for your comments (and next time please insert them into the 
tracking mechanism as they were provided as part of public comment 

responses to your comments embedded in pdf public comment doc:

Comment, section 3, paragraph 2:  The currency of this information plays a 
vital role too. I feel that we need to express that here especially due to 
the dynamic nature of Grid environment.
Response:  static and dynamic nature of information is discussed and 
provided by example in last paragraph of section 3 (just before start of 
section 4).

Comment, section 3, last paragraph:  There is no mention of the 
persistence of these capabilities. Again for the ones that change - RAM 
and load, there should be a note on its currentness and correctness.  Also 
since the resource is responsible for advertising its capabilities, should 
the resource provide the algorithms for translating the high level 
requirements to XML. There is some amount of resource consumption 
somewhere for the translation and that is not coming across here.
Response:  Persistence is not a topic for this informational doc. 
Translation from detail managed resources to capabilities expressed in XML 
is beyond the scope of this document.

Comment, section 4.1:  change 'static' to 'relatively static'
Response:  Use of static given the example is correct.

Comment, section 5.3, example 4 text:  We need a mention of some fault 
tolerance here. In the sense that, what happens if a resource is excluded 
from the pool and there is an advertisement still alive for that resource. 
And, the it is being considered for a job by virtue of the advertisement. 
The primary nature of a grid resource pool is that it is dynamic in 
Response:  Again, this is an informational document, not an implementation 
document, so comment is beyond scope of document.


guru prasad <guru_bn at yahoo.com> 
03/28/2008 04:55 PM

guru prasad <guru_bn at yahoo.com>, Ellen Stokes/Austin/IBM at IBMUS
ogsa-wg at ogf.org
Re: [ogsa-wg] information data model - reviewed latest

Sorry!!! please find the latest version. Ignore my previous email.

----- Original Message ----
From: guru prasad <guru_bn at yahoo.com>
To: stokese at us.ibm.com
Cc: ogsa-wg at ogf.org
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 4:53:04 PM
Subject: [ogsa-wg] information data model - reviewed

I am enclosing my comments on Information & Data Modeling in OGSA® Grids 
Architecture Paper.
I look forward to hearing from you guys on this.

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now.[attachment "draft-ogf-ogsa-info_data-model-011b.pdf" deleted by Ellen 

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