[ogsa-wg] Info Service design team - reference about CEMon

Sergio Andreozzi sergio.andreozzi at cnaf.infn.it
Thu Aug 7 10:17:44 CDT 2008

Hi Hiro,

I'm sending you the info about the following action:
> Sergio: Could you provide a reference to a work performed by
>        colleagues in Padova about generic query interface?

The service I refer to is CEMon (Luigi Zangrando in copy is the designer).

Here is a summary of the info:

1. CEMon website: http://grid.pd.infn.it/cemon/

2. the WSDL documentation is here:

3. the service is mainly targeted at push/pull mode delivery of events;

4. the GetTopicEvent includes options such as "dialect", which enables 
to specify which format you want the info

5. there is a visibility concept, to define who can access what (user,
group, other like in linux: group can be a VO)

6. the service interface can be easily extended to include the query
expression and the query format

Cheers, Sergio

Sergio Andreozzi
INFN-CNAF,                    Tel: +39 051 609 2860
Viale Berti Pichat, 6/2       Fax: +39 051 609 2746
40127 Bologna (Italy)         Web: http://www.cnaf.infn.it/~andreozzi

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