[ogsa-wg] Draft Workshop Agenda - Provisional

Steven Newhouse Steven.Newhouse at microsoft.com
Sun Apr 6 23:51:07 CDT 2008

A tentative plan for the workshop. Recall overall aim is that by the end of Tuesday we have:
* A set of consolidated use cases (in the style of the EMS Scenarios document)
* Identification of which OGF (or other) specifications could apply to the use cases
* Identification of which aspects of the use cases are not currently supported by standards but could be

For discussion and review on Monday's call


Monday 14th April

9.00 Introductions, logistics and IPR notice

9.30 Quick Review of Use Cases
* Identify any common sets that should be treated together
* Existing material from ERG and other sources

10.00 Use Case Presentations (~30min) - Get the information out & identify questions NOT answers
* SURAGrid: Art Vandenberg (Georgia State University)
* Financial Services: John Easton (IBM UK)
* Sensor Grids: Michael Behrens (R2AD)
* Remote Instrumentation: Marcin Plociennik (Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center)
* Predictable Workflow Execution: Steven Newhouse (Microsoft)
* ...

12.30 Lunch

1.30 Detailed Scenario Development in pairs/groups
* From the use cases develop simple sequence diagrams, actors and interactions
* Capture details on whiteboards, notes, etc.
* Identify where current OGF standards could be used
* Where is there a need for interoperability and new standards

3.30 Review & Refine (All)
* Present the sequence diagrams back to the group
* Do they still match the use cases?
* Are there areas where further existing specifications could be used?
* Assemble a list of gaps for future work

5.30 Close

7.00 Group meal?

Tuesday 15th April

8.30 Review
* Summary of where we were yesterday,.. for those with short memories!

9.00 Next Steps - Deployment
* Look at the use cases and see where current OGF based technologies could be applied

10.30 Next Steps - Standards
Review the identified gaps for standards to examine:
* What would the standard do? [Small steps better than giant leaps!]
* Who would use it? i.e. who are the customers
* Who might implement it and why would they? i.e. the business case
* Why would it be deployed? i.e. what benefits would it bring

12.30 Lunch

1.30 Prioritse!
We have limited resources...
* What is it we can do?
* What can we get others to do?
* What can we afford not to do?

3.00 Wrap up

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