[ogsa-wg] Pointer to Apache Con EU conference -the week before OGF20

Steve Loughran steve_loughran at hpl.hp.com
Tue Feb 20 07:44:56 CST 2007

People whose OGSA runtimes are based on Java, people whose planning to 
head over to the EU for GG20, may want to consider getting their jetlag 
out the way at the apache conference, which is in Amsterdam the week 
before: http://www.eu.apachecon.com/

why? Because many of the apache web service developers will be there, 
from both the Axis2 and the XFire/CSF teams, showing off what they are 
doing and how to use their tools, as will the maven and ant developer 
teams. Not only are the sessions good, there is a good tactical 
advantage of attending as you can then corner people at the conference 
with your problems, and follow them up with personal emails later.

Its a fairly technical conference, but a fast and convenient way of 
catching up in a lot of what is happening in the libraries and tools 
underpinning all the Java soap stacks. And being in Amsterdam, just 
after the queen's birthday, its going to be quite boisterous. We may all 
need the weekend between it and OGF20 to recover


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