[ogsa-wg] Roadmap Editor organization

Christopher Jordan ctjordan at sdsc.edu
Tue May 23 16:07:33 CDT 2006

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I took a first pass over the "activities going forward" list, and it  
occurs to me that the optimal strategy for the moment would be to try  
and break these out to specific action items - these can be very high- 
level actions at first, with increasing levels of refinement as we  
understand the problems more.

I suggest that everyone who intends to participate in the editing  
process read the current 1.1 draft document and spreadsheet, as well  
as the "going forward document from Jem Treadwell". All of these are   
available from:


For example, one of the tasks is to review the tracker items with  
respect to the current document and decide how we will respond or  
alter the document based on the trackers. I will take this as an  
action item.

Another is to review and update the status of the various OGSA  
documents, including newly-added documents-in-progress. This might be  
a good task for Dona.

I can also take the action of reviewing the various text sections and  
updating them to correspond with the information gathered by Dona,  
and whoever else works on it.

These seem to be the largest and most important tasks, and the ones I  
felt comfortable taking or assigned. Please review the activities  
document and let me and Jem Treadwell, at least, know if you are  
interested in taking on any of the additional items, or if you'd be  
interested in helping with some of the high-level tasks mentioned above.

I'm happy to give regular status reports and have some public  
discussion on the ogsa-wg e-mail forum, and on the conference calls,  
but I'd also like to keep most of the editor-specific traffic off the  
big mailing lists, if possible.

We've tentatively chosen Wednesdays at 3PM PDT/6PM EDT as the time  
for conference calls related to roadmap-editing discussions. I think  
tomorrow may be too soon to start really having detailed discussions,  
but if I don't hear from anyone else maybe just Dona and I can speak  
on the phone for a few. Then let's plan on beginning official calls  
two weeks from now (Jun 7th), when Dona has returned from vacation,  
and we will communicate via e-mail in the meantime. Is this ok with  

Please note that I'd like to move quickly to assign tasks and begin  
making progress on this, as it seems that it will be a large,  
complicated task. If you are seriously committed to participating in  
the document editing process, please speak and participate soon, as  
at some point I think we have to close the door to new volunteers,  
just for the sake of efficiency..

Suggestions, opinions, rebuttals?

- ----------------------------------------------------
Chris Jordan
HPC Systems Engineer
High End Computing Systems Group
San Diego Supercomputer Center
ctjordan at sdsc.edu

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