[ogsa-wg] OGSA-MWS-BOF at GGF14 on Tues June 28, noon-1:30

Fred Maciel Fred.Maciel at hds.com
Thu Jun 23 19:05:16 CDT 2005


> FACT: Not everyone is enamored with WSRF, meaning that WSRF 
> is unlikely to
> be "just there" in the tooling and infrastructure anytime soon.

Re-read my e-mail again and tell me, where did I write "WSRF" there? You are
putting words in my mouth.

I don't care much what is used as a profile (if the IP of the protocols
there is clear, and for instance I can write free software without nasty
legal attacks -- I have an ugly scar on that one). What I care is that it's
*one* profile, and things are interoperable.

> OGSA-WG can choose to stick its collective head in the sand 
> and hope that
> this issue goes away, 

By leaving the market choose, that's exactly what we are doing. :-)

> Again, to stress, I personally just want convergence.

That's exactly what I want too.


Fred Maciel.

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