[ogsa-wg] OGSA-MWS-BOF at GGF14 on Tues June 28, noon-1:30

Donal K. Fellows donal.k.fellows at manchester.ac.uk
Wed Jun 22 04:03:29 CDT 2005

Dave Berry wrote:
> 2.  I can see that WS-Transfer specifies some of the functionality of
> WSRF and WS-Eventing is largely equivalent to WS-BaseNotification,
> but what has WS-Enumeration to do with this?  From a brief reading,
> it seems to specify functionality that is independent of either
> stack.

I think it looks like their state model, but considering the state of
the service to be an enumeration of configurations is fairly perverse,
and there does not seem to be any simple way of extending set of state
transitions without developing a whole new spec on top of it. Maybe I'm
wrong, but it feels like something being pressed into service to do that
which it was not designed for. Not that that's something that's never
happened before in this industry, oh no! :^)

Or am I way off base here?


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