[ogsa-rss-wg] Candidate Ordering Language

Donal K. Fellows donal.k.fellows at manchester.ac.uk
Tue Aug 8 06:01:15 CDT 2006

Arvid Norberg wrote:
> I still don't see where the actual information about the resource  
> itself becomes available to the candidate ordering language. The jsdl  
> contains the requirements of the resource it will be submitted to,  not 
> a specific resource's properties. The CSG uses those requirements  to 
> match against each of the resource available to it, to filter out  those 
> that cannot meet those requirements. Is the idea that those  
> requirements are replaced by the resource's actual properties by the  
> CSG? (that would sound slightly counter-intuitive to me, since it  would 
> redefine the semantics of the jsdl).

It's not at all clear to me why you would care whether a machine is just
a little bit bigger than the (satisfied) request or much much larger. If
my job needs just two processors, how could it possibly matter whether
I'm on a dual CPU machine or a 512 CPU monster? The correct basis to
distinguish between those two situations has got to be that one will
cost more than the other, or will start sooner, or something like that.
Those in turn are really aspects of the quality of service available.

Given that, I wonder whether the problem is really that you're asking
not quite the right question. If a job really requires some resource, it
should state that in the input document, as it is a constraint and not
an ordering input.

On the other hand, it might be an idea to have the machine load be an
optional part of the QoS terms (optional, because I know it is
meaningless on some systems such as those that use batch queues).

>  From the examples you gave of the candidate ordering language:
>   <!-- Assume that somewhere there's some JSDL -->
>   <value> //JobDescription/Resources/IndividualCPUCount </value>
> This looks like the Resources part of the jsdl contains properties of  
> the container, and not the requirements of the container. Is that the  
> idea?

No. The idea in that example was that the candidates coming back would
be for different numbers of CPUs (which was an aspect unconstrained or
loosely constrained in the original input) where that information had
been written into the job document to be submitted (how else would you
convey it to the BES?) In that case, the optimization strategy was to
choose to maximize the number of CPUs used, under the assumption that
this would minimize runtime (or responsiveness or somesuch). This is not
to say that this is an optimal strategy though; it's just an example. :-)

Picking up on something said earlier, I'd like to note that I'd expect
the resource constraints in the Candidate to be at least as tight as the
resource constraints in the request, though possibly with extra resource
constraints too. This is because the standard JSDL interpretation is
that if a resource is not asked for, it is up to the JSDL consumer (i.e.
the BES) to decide what to do about it. For some resources, this is
obvious (if I don't ask for lots of processors, I won't get them) but
for others (e.g. memory) it's less straight-forward, since they may be
coupled to other resources (e.g. a particular processor will probably
have a fixed amount of local memory).

> I was thinking along the lines that the jsdl for the job was used for  
> that, and that the candidate ordering language didn't necessarily  need 
> access to that info in order to rank a resource (since  everything in 
> the jsdl are constants anyway, it is already known by  the one writing 
> the ranking expression, unless the Resources part of  the jsdl is 
> rewritten).

As far as I'm concerned, all parts of the JSDL may be rewritten. For
example, there may be two versions of an application available, one of
which is for a single-processor system and the other of which is MPI
enabled. Smoothly switching from the version for a single-processor
offer to the version for a multi-processor cluster requires substantial
rewriting of the JSDL (different executable, different arguments, etc.)
and yet in some sense they refer to the "same" app. Obviously, the
performance characteristics would differ though. :-)

> Hopefully I've been clear enough of how I'm thinking. You'll have to  
> excuse me if I'm misunderstanding something fundamental, I haven't  been 
> part of any of this and I basically only have access to the  released 
> drafts on the gridforge site.

I've been so busy (and then away) that I'm a long way behind on writing
up all these things for GridForge. For that, I must apologize. But
please keep on asking questions; they'll help a lot!


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