[ogsa-hpcp-wg] Telecon Minutes

Steven Newhouse Steven.Newhouse at microsoft.com
Thu Aug 16 15:38:23 CDT 2007

Steven Newhouse (Microsoft)
Steve McGough (Imperial College)
Glenn Wasson (UVa)
Blair Dillaway (Microsoft)
John Ehrig (OGF)
Marty Humphreys (UVa)
Chris Smith (Platform)


1.       OGF IPR Notice

2.       Agenda Bashing

a.       Will there be activity at OGF21?

b.      What is the purpose of this activity?

1.       To write the experiences document (main priority)

2.       Explore extensions for activity credential & data staging (secondary - but significant targets)

3.       Explore the use of an extended information model around the GLUE schema (lower priority than 1 & 2)

3.       Who will be involved?

a.       Please respond to questions in advance (http://www.ogf.org/pipermail/ogsa-hpcp-wg/2007-August/000390.html)

1.       GridSAM

2.       Microsoft HPC

3.       UVa - GCG

4.       UVa - VCGR

5.       Platform (LSF)

6.       Altair (PBS)

7.       Others TBC: Globus, Unicore, CROWN & gLite
Action: Wiki page on GridForge to hold the information (http://forge.ogf.org/sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.ogsa-hpcp-wg/wiki/HomePage) . All to upload information requested in email onto wiki page which has a link to the compliance checker, which will be active once firewall issues have been resolved.

b.      Demonstration space at SC07?
Those present: Microsoft (HPC & UVa - GCR), Platform, Altair, UK e-Science (TBC)
No dedicated space: UVa - VGCR

4.       Procedure

a.       HPCP
UVa: Two implementations: One has username & password, one has X.509 certificate.
Go for pairwise application demonstrations rather than a single 'big' demo.

b.      Additional areas for JSDL & BES specifications
BES: Vector length
UVa: Greater than 1 throws fault.
Platform: Should be able to fix implementation to handle longer vector lengths
JSDL: HPCP does not use resources and POSIXApplication model.

c.       Supported security models
Host both types endpoint: UVa, Platform (probably), GridSAM (probably), Microsoft (probably)

5.       Experiences document

a.       Review outline (http://www.ogf.org/pipermail/ogsa-hpcp-wg/2007-August/000389.html)
Initially, try out the compliance checker and once the implementation is up and running, post the endpoint for doing N to N interoperability checks.
Action: Run your endpoint against UVa compliance checker by end of the month. Glenn to send out email once firewall issues resolved. Please send feedback as issues around the triggered faults may need to be tweaked. Goal is to collect experiences as we go so that a PUBLIC draft of the experiences document can be made available at SC07.
Activity Credential: Specification is solid. Has been implemented. Authentication credential for the application NOT for the service endpoint. For use in data staging or meta-scheduling.
Data Staging: Specification is less mature. Not been implemented yet. Relies on activity credential extension to provide a credential if data is then going to be staged out from the execution host.

6.       Next Call: Same time in 2 weeks

7.       Any Other Business

a.       OGF21 Meeting. HPCP WG 11am Monday 15th October 2007. Consider the maturity of the interoperation activity on later calls to see if we do a mini demo at OGF21. John would need minimum of 2 weeks lead time for PR. More notice needed for industry invites.

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