[ogsa-hpcp-wg] Faults in BES v26 WSDL

Glenn Wasson wasson at virginia.edu
Thu Sep 28 05:30:33 CDT 2006


	I've been trying to push the WSDL/XSD in the appendices of the BES
v26 document through my tooling and I have found an issue with the fault
messages. The XSD for the BES-Factory defines 3 fault types
(NotAcceptingNewActivitiesFaultType, UnsupportedJSDLVersionFaultType, and
UnsupportedFeatureFaultType) as extensions of the base type SOAP Fault
(there is a typo here, but what I believe is intended is for these types to
derive from the Fault type defined in
	However, I believe that SOAP faults cannot be used as a base type
(i.e. other types cannot derive from Fault). Certainly my tooling
(Microsoft's WSDL.exe for .NET 2.0.50727.42) will not allow this definition.
The definition of the Fault type in http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope
is: <xs:complexType name="Fault" final="extension">, which I believe means
no complex type can be derived from this.

So, I have two separate, but related questions (it would be nice if they had
the same answer, but they don't have to). 

1. How should groups building HPC Profile-compliant services address this?
2. How should the BES wg address this?

For #1, I have removed the fault type definitions. Groups implementing HPCP
services should comment on ogsa-hpcp-wg about whether this is acceptable.
For #2, it seems that BES has a couple of options. The first is to change
the xsd so that the faults do not derive from SOAP fault (without returning
to WSRF BaseFaults, which I believe were recently removed from the
wsdl/xsd). The second option would be to establish a "best practice" on how
fault types defined by BES should be included in normal SOAP faults (for
example, they could be serialized into the <Detail> element).


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