[ogsa-hpcp-wg] GridSAM demo info on the wiki

Vesselin Novov vesso at doc.ic.ac.uk
Wed Nov 8 14:31:50 CST 2006

The URL, JSDL, CA cert and the output http dir are now on the wiki.
The service is up and running and the output dir is accessible.
I'd suggest putting your project name in the <ProjectName> element
in the JSDL so I could find easily the appropriate messages in my logs
if needed.
For each submitted job there will be a subdirectory in the output dir.
The name of the subdir is 'gridsam-<a_long_hex_number>'. The hex number
is the actual job id GridSAM assigns and returns in CreateActivityResponse
(that looks like: 'urn:gridsam:<a_long_hex_number>').
The easiest way to find your job output subdir is to look for the last 
few digits
of the jobId hex number.

So far I've successfully tested against UVa .NET service.

Vesso A. Novov                  --   Research Assistant   --
London e-Science Centre         http://www.lesc.doc.ic.ac.uk
Imperial College London, Department of Computing
180 Queen's Gate, London SW7 2RH, UK
tel: +44 (0)207-594-8399            fax: +44 (0)207-581-8024

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