[ogsa-dmi-wg] Proposals

Mario Antonioletti mario at epcc.ed.ac.uk
Wed Dec 5 08:01:55 CST 2007


> I have looked at Ravi's proposals and would like to offer some comments.

Me too.

> The second proposal, on retries, basically seems okay to me.  I suspect
> that there is an issue to be addressed regarding what is done with data
> that is partially transferred when a transfer is retried.  But, perhaps,
> that is covered if the operation eventually succeeds (presumably no orphan
> data) or fails (covered by the DMI spec regarding cleanup after failure).

Clarification for me - retries re-uses the same protocol for the 
retries? There is nothing complex going on there right?

> I have serious concerns about the first proposal, for multiple objects to
> be transferred.  I see two major problems:
>      1. The proposal makes no restrictions on what the source/sink DEPRs
> refer to.  Ravi's clear goal is that they refer to different objects on the
> same server.
>            However, the proposal makes no such restriction.  Thus the
> proposal admits to the N sources being on N different servers, perhaps
> widely separated
>            both geographically and organizationally.  The complications
> that this creates for the DTF and DTI are almost unimaginable and, I feel,
> uncaccpetable.
>            I see no way to make a simple change to this proposal to
> address this problem.

This could be an issue but if you made it an optional mode of 
behaviour then any implementation could discard more than one 
DMIDataTransferUnitElement if present, hence a DTF need not have to 
deal with this. In some instances though there might be advantages to 
supporting this mode of operation. If it was optional would you be ok 
with this Allen? I can see the potential complexity that you are 
alluding to.

>      2. There is nothing in the proposal that ties a particular source
> DEPR to a particular sink DEPR.  Since the source/sink sequences are
> ordered, perhaps the
>            desire is to make the connection via that ordering.  Thus this
> can probably be handled fairly simply.

My call would be that there should be no associated ordering. If using
this for optimisation then you may want to perform all the transfers
in parallel.

However, what is the failure policy? Best effort? One failure leads
to the transfer being aborted?

> As a mater of principle, I think that this whole issue is not one that the
> DMI spec either should or needs to address.  Rather, the multiplicity of
> entities to be transferred should solely be an issue to be addressed by the
> client when getting the DEPR from the source (sink).  The source (sink)
> should mint the DEPR in a way that encodes the multiplicity of entities to
> be transferred.  Then, when the DTF and DTI pass that DEPR back to the
> source (sink) it can take the DEPR apart and properly handle the
> multiplicity of objects.  I can see backing away from this rigid approach
> to allow ***implementations*** of a DTI to be aware of the way that certain
> DEPRs are minted (e.g., if we are transferring multiple files, the
> source/sink file systems and the FTP DTI could agree on the way multiple
> files are denoted in the DEPRs).  In either case, it should not be the
> responsibility of the DMI spec to specify this behavior.

We coined the DataEPR term right? If we do not define the basics of 
this who are we expecting to do it? I guess we want to be clear
enough to be able to describe the syntax and semantics so that these 
objects may be used in DMI.


|Mario Antonioletti:EPCC,JCMB,The King's Buildings,Edinburgh EH9 3JZ.   |
|Tel:0131 650 5141|mario at epcc.ed.ac.uk|http://www.epcc.ed.ac.uk/~mario/ |

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