[ogsa-dmi-wg] Telcon Minutes

Mario Antonioletti mario at epcc.ed.ac.uk
Wed Aug 29 13:38:50 CDT 2007

Let me know if there are any corrections:

OGSA DMI - Telcon 29/08/07

          Mario Antonioletti (MAA), EPCC
          Michel Drescher (MD), Fujitsu
          Steven Newhouse (SN), Microsoft


[SN] Comes up with faults for the operations: Start, Activate, Stop,
      Restart, Suspend.
[SN] Define generic/specific operations that returns all the
      properties for the DTI and the DTF instances.

MAA was surprised to see that SN already informed the area chairs that
MAA was now a co-chair. MAA did not realize this and did not send out
an agenda for the telcon.

MD talks through the changes made in the DMI spec (version 30).

All previous changes accepted.

4.1.1 - should we define protocols in the OGSA namespace or
the DMI.

Comment in discuss the address with the Genesis II people.

There is need for a set of tokens to be defined to provide semantical
information for services, e.g. protocols, formats, etc. Should
possibly think about writing a community document that build on the
name space document that can be extended to do this. This need has
been expressed by various other groups, e.g. OGSA Data, DAIS, ByteIO.
For later though.

SN would rather have PersonalizedEPRs as non-normative text on p11 as
it is not enforceable. SN suggests that the service should possibly
sign PersonalizedEPR so that it cannot be re-used by others. DM wrote
something along those lines later on. DN is in agreement with this and
this will text be moved/changed. PersonalizedEPR goes into the
security section.

A number of other small changes on p11 are discussed and approved.

Contradictory statement on p12 noted. 
The MUST should be changed to a MAY.

Changes on p13 reflect discussion on the mailing list. It seems to
be ok.

Comment on security credential. DM would be happier if that was moved
into DMI profiles. SN thinks it should go to the security section
where it will state that these mechanisms will defined in DMI profile.

Transfer requirements - got rid of the comment on the timing, semantics
described later.

Section 4.3 faults - replaced the text. Deleted the credentials failed
fault as this only happens when you try and move the data - not at the

On p18 have put comments on the operations and was wondering whether
we should define faults.

SN thinks we should and has been actioned.

We want to have alternative renderings of DMI - WS-I/WSRF - but WSRF
restricts how faults should be implemented, it defines specific faults
for its operations but it is silent on how operations not using WSRF
implement faults - so you don't have to use these. You may use
WSRF. However, have two renderings but for interoperability the shared
operations must not be derived from the WSRF faults. We need to define
operations that are shared between the two renderings. A lot of
discussion has gone in BES on this topic, hence SN actioned.

Section 5.3 will be populated with Steven's suggestion. not clear on the sub-states on the syntax of how these are
specified. SN thinks this should be attributes.

Section 6 is more or less unchanged.

The Glossary section has been deleted.

Quickly run over the email exchanges on the mailing list.
Most of them had already been discussed on the call.

Discussion as to how far we are in the process of producing a spec.
Need to socialise the spec to get comment on the spec (comments from Ravi).
MD can now publish some draft WSDL.

DM will make the changes from the call and then SN will take the pen.
Once the WSDL is done can start some early implementations.

|Mario Antonioletti:EPCC,JCMB,The King's Buildings,Edinburgh EH9 3JZ.   |
|Tel:0131 650 5141|mario at epcc.ed.ac.uk|http://www.epcc.ed.ac.uk/~mario/ |

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