Data Access.

Mario Antonioletti mario at
Tue May 3 11:24:00 CDT 2005

   Ok. Have not that much time to do much with this. It is still very
tentative. Would welcome any feedback - constructive or destructive - or
even better contributions if people want to pick up the pen. In essence
have written a brief introduction, stolen some stuff from the DAIS
specs, re-used the DAIS stuff I wrote on a previous occassion but not
really updated it. Stole - whole - with slight modificaitons some stuff
that Mark and Andrew wrote for GGF13. Still requires much work but it
can be a starting point for discussion at the call tomorrow.


|Mario Antonioletti:EPCC,JCMB,The King's Buildings,Edinburgh EH9 3JZ.   |
|Tel:0131 650 5141|mario at| |
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