The Bigger Picture.

Mario Antonioletti mario at
Tue May 3 07:54:29 CDT 2005

   I think one thing that has been lacking a bit in the OGSA-D WG so far
has been the bigger picture trying to tie some of the concepts together.
A long time ago I remember seeing the concept maps that were produced
for the WS architecture (see: and I quite
liked these. I don't know what tool they used but I found something
similar, if not the same. See:

It's a java application and I think, though I've not looked too closely,
is free. I have tried to create a concept map for the data architecture
and have included an exported image as an attachment to this email as
well as the cmap file that contains the source to the diagram in case
anyone wants to play with it. It was very easy to generate and change
and I believe the cmaps can be shared so they could be developed in a
collaborative fashion. I think it helps to ellicit detail from the
model, e.g. to what does the data description bind to: the
virtualization or the service? Does the idea of having a data set
defined in the data transfer make sense? i.e. I think of a data set as a
disconnected piece of data that has been materialised outside the data
resource and this would only make sense if it were staged. Do we benefit
at all from making the distinction between a simple and aggregated data
service? etc, etc, etc. 

Note that I am not advocating that these should be included in the
document, nor that everything should go in one diagram (as is
currently). I think that the diagrams can be nested (maybe). Is this a
worthwhile thing to do? If the answer is yes can it be done so the
diagrams are shared? Thoughts?

I will try to distribute something on data access by the close of day
today (UK time) albeit it'll be far from complete.


|Mario Antonioletti:EPCC,JCMB,The King's Buildings,Edinburgh EH9 3JZ.   | 
|Tel:0131 650 5141|mario at| |
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