[OGSA-BES-WG] GetActivityDocuments doesn't

Peter G. Lane lane at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Dec 20 17:06:49 CST 2006

In trying to finish up some stuff before I leave I noticed a discrepancy in the factory schema. The 
GetActivityDocumentsResponseType doesn't in fact return ActivityDocumentTypes.

Here is the message type:

     <xsd:complexType name="GetActivityDocumentsResponseType">
             <xsd:element name="Response"
                 minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

And here is the response array element type:

   <xsd:complexType name="GetActivityDocumentResponseType">
       <xsd:element ref="bes-factory:ActivityIdentifier"/>
       <xsd:element ref="jsdl:JobDefinition" minOccurs="0"/>
       <xsd:element name="Fault" type="xsd:anyType" minOccurs="0"/>

The activity documents are more than just the JobDefinition:

   <xsd:complexType name="ActivityDocumentType">
       <xsd:element ref="jsdl:JobDefinition"/>
       <xsd:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"
           minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

The ref to jsdl:JobDefinition ought to be a ref to ActivityDocument as so:

   <xsd:complexType name="GetActivityDocumentResponseType">
       <xsd:element ref="bes-factory:ActivityIdentifier"/>
       <xsd:element ref="bes-factory:ActivityDocument" minOccurs="0"/>
       <xsd:element name="Fault" type="xsd:anyType" minOccurs="0"/>

Just returning the JobDefinition means that any 'any's, such as the subscription or idempotent 
creation ID extensions, in the ActivityDocuments used in CreateActivity will be irretrievable.

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