[ogsa-bes-wg] BES WSDL

William Lee wwhl at doc.ic.ac.uk
Wed Nov 30 12:38:52 CST 2005

Hi all,

I've had a quick look at the BES WSDL. Here are my comments and 
modifications (attached).

1) Typos that cause missing referenced elements (see inline mod in the 
attached word doc.)
2) JSDL namespace has been updated according to the JSDL v1.0 
3) The BES schema references the jsdl:JobDefinitionType complexType 
(it's actually been renamed to jsdl:JobDefinition_Type in the v1.0 spec),
should we use the JSDL defined element "jsdl:JobDefinition" instead of 
creating our own. This makes life easier for user who's used to 
write JSDL document.

<xsd:element ref="jsdl:JobDefinition" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>

4) How are we going to cope with different renderings? The current WSDL 
contains a lot of WS-RF artifacts.

Here's a cleanup WSDL with the WS-RF related artifacts commented out.


You can use the following tool to visualise it.



--- William Lee @  London e-Science Centre, Imperial College London --
--- Software Coordinator ---
A: Room 380, Department of Computing, Imperial College London,  Huxley
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E: wwhl at doc.ic.ac.uk | william at imageunion.com
W: www.lesc.ic.ac.uk | www.imageunion.com
P: +44(0)20 7594 8251
F: +44(0)20 7581 8024

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