[ogsa-bes-wg] Meeting notes from Dec. 8th

Darren Pulsipher Darren.Pulsipher at xango.net
Thu Dec 8 08:37:54 CST 2005


            Darren (Maybe)

            William (Attending)

            Andrew (Attending)

            Steve N (Attending)

            Mark (Attending)




- WS-Name and/or EPR issue resolved. 

            - We need to make sure the document has just EPRs and only
mention the WS-Name as a return value from createActivity. All other
parameters need to be EPRs. 

            - The EPR that is returned does not have specified port
types we have decided to push this until later.

            - We need to add to the spec "The createActivityFromJSDL
MUST return a EPR (which is an endpoint reference) MAYBE a WS-NAME."


- Meta-Data/Attributes on the container service

            - There is an abstract idea about information and
operations. Example of ByteIO was brought up. We just say that there are
pieces of information (Meta-Data) that the renderings should supply
operations to get the information. We need to introduce this better in
the document. We need to have a section under the service container
called attributes that will have this information. Use UML nomenclature.


- UK meeting next week (BES and SAGA interop)

            - Venue - William Penny hall - imperial college. Wireless is

            - Monday - Starting 0900 

                        - BES

                        - Saga - Afternoon early evening

            -Tuesday - Starting 0900

                        - Naming

                        - ByteIO


                        - ???


- Section 5 needs to be cleaned up - Subscribing to events. We added a
general statement about subscribing events. Add attribute to state
whether or not it can handle events. We need to look at all SHOULDs and
put an attribute in the container specifying whether or not it can
handle the SHOULD.


- Mark and William are working on the rendering and schemas. This will
be discussed at the face to face.

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