[ogsa-authn-bof] SAML-Grid Name Mapping Framework

Tom Scavo trscavo at gmail.com
Wed Feb 21 19:08:17 CST 2007

On 2/20/07, Nate Klingenstein <ndk at internet2.edu> wrote:
> There's a lot of different information in the SAML assertion that
> we're interested in.  Much of it would be difficult to express
> natively in x.509 in the absence of a universal credential
> converter.  I think it makes sense to provide as much of that
> information as possible to the grid SP or service, which probably
> means binding the SAML assertion(s) directly to the x.509 credential
> in an extension is part of a medium-term solution.

Wholeheartedly agree.

> Please see section 2.3.5 of the Liberty ID-WSF DS Specification for
> an example of what I mean by NameID/EPR pair(the nameID in that case
> is in the EPR, but can also be in the surrounding token).  For
> details on how this relates to SAML, please see section 4.2.
> http://projectliberty.org/liberty/content/download/875/6201/file/
> liberty-idwsf-disco-svc-v2.0.pdf

Thanks for providing that link, Nate.  It helps me understand where
you're coming from.

Quite honestly, I remain skeptical of ID-WSF, for various reasons.
Even if we assume that an open source implementation is forthcoming,
it's unlikely ID-WSF will ever find its way into Globus Toolkit (which
is what I mean when I say "Grid SP").  At one point I did an informal
comparison of WSRF and ID-WSF, and concluded the two were
incompatible, primarily in their use of WS-Addressing.

> The user may also float to an application with a grid SP, to which it
> still authenticates using the x.509 certificate.  The grid SP
> detaches the SAML assertions and parses them.  One or more of these
> assertions may in fact be ID-WSF EPR assertions, in which case the
> grid SP queries those EPR's using the associated NameID's as
> invocation identities for additional information.

Maybe.  I don't think the Grid SP will learn to speak ID-WSF any time
soon (if ever).  In the meantime, push will prevail.  If there's any
pulling to be done, it will done by the intermediary (e.g., the
Science Gateway).

> In my hypothetical land, there's no real need to specify how anything
> is done in the x.509 cert except for requiring a unique, persistent
> DN and defining how SAML is bound to the x.509 credential.

I don't think there's any hope of specifying a single DN format
everybody can live with, but a standard for binding SAML to X.509 is
essential, yes.


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