[ogsa-authn-bof] Shibboleth/Grid Namespace Convergence

Von Welch vwelch at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Sun Feb 11 11:18:32 CST 2007


  If I go to any two CAs operating in the Grid community today, I  
will get two different DN's, even if I authenticate myself to those  
CAs using the same passport, driver's license, etc. There are a  
number of good reasons for this. Why should it be different if I  
authenticate with Shibboleth?


On Feb 7, 2007, at 9:15 AM, David Chadwick wrote:

> Hi Von
> to answer your specific points:
> Von Welch wrote:
>> David,
>>  I should have phrased requirement #1 as:
>>>  1) The same user, identified by a given IdP, using the same  
>>> GridShib-CA, MUST always map to the  same DN in the Grid space
>> In regards to dropping requirement #6, I think what you really  
>> want is to change requirement #1 so that it looks like the following:
>> The same user, identified by a given IdP, using *any* GridShib-CA,  
>> MUST always map to the same DN.
>> I have several concerns about this approach. I believe this means  
>> we have to do one of the following:
>> 1) Every GridShib-CA instance must have access to the same user  
>> attributes and use the same transformation policy. This is tight  
>> coordination that I don't believe is possible to guarantee.
> It is not unreasonable to assume that each IDP will have the same  
> privacy policy for the set of GridShib CAs that provide access to  
> the same set of grid applications. Thus the user's attribute set  
> will be identical in each instance. Therefore it is reasonable to  
> expect the same DN to be issued by each of these CAs.
>> 2) The IdP must provide the DN to all instances of the GridShib- 
>> CA. Again, global coordination that I don't see as possible.
> I think it is reasonable to expect that if the IDP releases the DN  
> to one of the CAs, it will release it to all of them. I dont see  
> why the IDP would treat members of the set differently do you,  
> since the same user is accessing the same grid applications in each  
> case.
>> I also find it disconcerting to have two different CAs issuing DNs  
>> in the same namespace in the event something goes wrong.
> I dont find that disconcerting at all. The same user should be  
> entitled to have the same DN regardless of the CA. I repeat that  
> CA's are not naming authorities, they are certification authorities  
> that certify a user's DN that is issued by a naming authority.
> (I agree we could
>> move to a model of Issuer/DN for identity to resolve this.)
> In this case the CA becomes a naming authority.
> regards
> David
>> Von
>> On Feb 7, 2007, at 7:35 AM, David Chadwick wrote:
>>> Hi Von
>>> It seems to me that requirements 1) and 6) conflict. I support  
>>> requirement 1) but not 6). If a user enters grid space via two  
>>> different Shibbolised portals, he will always be redirected back  
>>> to his IDP to authenticate, and ought to get the same grid DN  
>>> from both portals. Requirement 1) implies this. Requirement 6)  
>>> states this will not be the case. Hence I think you should drop  
>>> requirement 6).
>>> regards
>>> David
>>> Von Welch wrote:
>>>> Nate,
>>>>   Here's my current thinking on this. Let me start with what I  
>>>> see as  the requirements and then move on to what our plans are  
>>>> currently.  Note that our current implementation (0.3.0) of the  
>>>> GridShib-CA does  not implement this, but the plan is for the  
>>>> next version to do so.
>>>> Requirements for a standard Grid profile follow. One could also   
>>>> imagine profiles that support psuedonymity, but I assert that  
>>>> the  following profile is a standard mode of operation any Shib- 
>>>> >Grid  translator SHOULD be able to support.
>>>>   1) The same user, identified by a given IdP, MUST always map  
>>>> to the  same DN in the Grid space
>>>>   2) Two different users MUST never map to the same DN in the  
>>>> Grid space
>>>>   3) Identifiers mapped from a given IdP MUST be mapped in such  
>>>> a  manner that prevents conflict with identifiers mapped from  
>>>> another  Idp. (Note that this implies that the same user,  
>>>> identified by two  different IdPs, will have two different DNs.)
>>>>   4) It SHOULD be discernible from a DN, which IdP asserted the   
>>>> mapped identifier.
>>>>   5) DNs SHOULD contain a reasonable facsimile of the user's  
>>>> legal  name. (This motivation for this comes from the IGTF.)
>>>>   6) DNs created by two different instances of a GridShib-CA  
>>>> SHOULD  be done in such a manner as to prevent any conflict.  
>>>> This implies the  same user, from the same IdP going through two  
>>>> different GridShib-CA  instances will get two different DNs. The  
>>>> only exception to this  should be if both GridShib-CA instances  
>>>> are operated by the same  organization in some sort of  
>>>> replication scenario (the are logically  the same instance).
>>>> Currently Shibboleth identifiers are scoped to the issuing IdP.  
>>>> This  makes some of the requirements above easier to meet. If  
>>>> this changes,  it will require the addition of a IdP identifier  
>>>> to the DN given  below. See the following URL for a discussion  
>>>> of this: http:// bugzilla.globus.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=4888
>>>> Our plan is for the GridShib-CA to issue DNs which look like  
>>>> the  following:
>>>> /DC=edu/DC=uiuc/DC=ncsa/DC=gridshib-ca/O=User Certificate/ 
>>>> CN=<ePTID>/ <displayName>
>>>> The DC components serve to uniquely identify the GridShib-CA  
>>>> instance  in question and meet requirement #6.
>>>> Where <ePTID> is the eduPerson Targeted ID and <displayName> is  
>>>> the  displayName attribute, both as provided by the IdP.
>>>> ePTID is used because it has a persistence quality lacked by  
>>>> ePPN  (i.e. it is guaranteed never to be reassigned). This  
>>>> serves to meet  requirements #1-#4.
>>>> displayName provides the facsimile of the user's legal name   
>>>> (requirement #5).
>>>> That said, we expect some institutions may have problems  
>>>> providing  ePTID, so we expect to be able to fall back to ePPN,  
>>>> recognizing that  doesn't guarantee meeting requirement #2 as  
>>>> ePPN could, in theory be  re-assigned, and doesn't meet  
>>>> requirement #5 as ePPN looks more like  an email address than a  
>>>> legal name.
>>>> Comments welcome.
>>>> Von
>>>> On Feb 5, 2007, at 10:26 PM, Nate Klingenstein wrote:
>>>>> OGSA-Authn BoFfers,
>>>>> At our meeting in North Carolina, I flagged the translation of  
>>>>> names
>>>>> from the grid world to the institutional world and vice versa as
>>>>> being an important topic for discussion in the next several  
>>>>> months.
>>>>> We need to begin to document current practices so that a path  
>>>>> towards
>>>>> convergence can be identified.
>>>>> I'd like to give a brief background for those on the list who  
>>>>> aren't
>>>>> heavily steeped in this problem.  The various Shibboleth-grid
>>>>> integration projects out there all want to bootstrap grid
>>>>> authentication (and sometimes authorization) by use of  
>>>>> institutional
>>>>> authentication.  This authentication generally results in a unique
>>>>> identifier for the user which differs in form from that used on  
>>>>> the
>>>>> grid, and potentially in semantic meaning as well.
>>>>> There is a lot of different types of identifiers.  If a campus is
>>>>> using LDAP, the user will also have a DN associated with their  
>>>>> entry,
>>>>> but this directory DN is rarely used as an identifier in  
>>>>> practice and
>>>>> usually won't correspond to those issued in x.509 certificates
>>>>> anyway.  Local practices for primary identifier vary based on  
>>>>> local
>>>>> needs, and many institutions don't use LDAP at all.
>>>>> eduPersonPrincipalName, which takes the form of name at domain, has
>>>>> proven the most ubiquitous and successful in inter-realm  
>>>>> deployment
>>>>> thus far.
>>>>> The critical step is translation of the identifier that results  
>>>>> from
>>>>> campus authentication to a grid-usable credential(and,  
>>>>> potentially,
>>>>> vice-versa for callbacks).  This bootstrap can be performed in  
>>>>> many
>>>>> ways at many different points.  Differences in practice could  
>>>>> lead to
>>>>> non-interoperability and general confusion for grid SP's and  
>>>>> campus
>>>>> IdP's alike.
>>>>> There are several projects out there that have bridged this gap in
>>>>> creative ways, such as SHEBANGS, SLCS, and GridShib.  I'd like to
>>>>> invite each project to take some time within the next month to
>>>>> describe in a brief document how they linked Shibboleth
>>>>> authentication to the grid as a first step.  If there's a  
>>>>> willingness
>>>>> to document additional passing of authorization or attribute
>>>>> information, I think that would be useful as well.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Nate.
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>>> David W. Chadwick, BSc PhD
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>>> The Computing Laboratory, University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NF
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> David W. Chadwick, BSc PhD
> Professor of Information Systems Security
> The Computing Laboratory, University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NF
> Skype Name: davidwchadwick
> Tel: +44 1227 82 3221
> Fax +44 1227 762 811
> Mobile: +44 77 96 44 7184
> Email: D.W.Chadwick at kent.ac.uk
> Home Page: http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/dwc8/index.html
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