[ogf20pc] Please reply - Kick-starting the industry PC

Dave Berry daveb at nesc.ac.uk
Wed Sep 27 05:21:27 CDT 2006

Dear all,
>From the responses it seems that the 6th is best for most people, with a
strong suggestion that we also meet on the 18th.  Therefore I will book
1 hour conference calls at the following times.
Friday 6th October:  8am PDT / 10am CDT / 11am EDT / 4pm BST / 5pm CST
Wednesday 18th October:  9am PDT / 11am CDT / 12am EDT / 5pm BST / 6pm

I'll send out the call details in due course.
Best wishes,


	From: ogf20pc-bounces at ogf.org [mailto:ogf20pc-bounces at ogf.org]
On Behalf Of Dave Berry
	Sent: 25 September 2006 17:42
	To: ogf20pc at ogf.org
	Subject: [ogf20pc] Please reply - Kick-starting the industry PC
	Dear PC member,
	I have subscribed everyone who agreed to join the industry PC to
this OGF20 PC mailing list.  The next steps are to arrange the first
telcons of this subgroup and to request input.
	No doubt it will be difficult to get all of us on a telcon at
short notice, so I'm offerring a choice of times; we'll go with the one
that most people can make.  If you are on the industry sub-group (i.e. I
explicitly invited to join earlier in the month), please let me know
which of the following slots you can attend:
	Monday 9th October:  8am PDT / 10am CDT / 11am EDT / 4pm BST /
5pm CST
	Wednesday 18th October:  8am PDT / 10am CDT / 11am EDT / 4pm BST
/ 5pm CST
	In addition, please propose keynote speakers, speakers (or
projects) for sessions, topics for panels, etc.  We should also consider
this from the demand side - if we aim to spread the Grid news to a
broader audience, who would IT managers, CIOs and budding entrepeneurs
like to hear?  I'll collate suggestions but if you have a topic that
merits broader discussion, feel free to mail the list.
	Note that this mailing list will eventually include everyone on
the PC, including all sub-groups.
	Best wishes,
	Dave Berry
	Deputy Director, Research & E-infrastructure Development
	National e-Science Centre, 15 South College Street
	Edinburgh, EH8 9AA                  +44 131 651 4039

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