OGF21 and NGDC

Steve Crumb scrumb at ogf.org
Wed May 30 17:27:04 CDT 2007

Dear OGF Member,

I was happy to see many of you at our Manchester event (OGF20) earlier this
month and we are working hard to make OGF21 (Seattle, October 15-19) an
equally great event. 

On another note, you may have seen the announcement in GridToday
(http://www.gridtoday.com/grid/1589322.html) highlighting OGF's decision to
sponsor the Next Generation Data Center (NGDC) event being held August 6-9,
2007 in San Francisco.  NGDC is a new event focused on emerging technologies
in the IT infrastructure.  It is designed for IT Architects determining how
they will transform their data center to be more virtual and dynamic.  NGDC
is being co-located with LinuxWorld and SNIA's Enterprise Information World
and is expected to have over 10,000 attendees, 200 exhibitors, and 100
conference sessions.  

We believe this event has great potential, which is why we agreed to sponsor
and host a grid pavilion (see attached). As a service to our members, we
have negotiated a special Grid Pavilion turnkey exhibit package which
includes booth, 2 complimentary conference passes, speaking session at the
pavilion theater, extra exposure in the show guide and show promotion as an
OGF member, and 50 pre-qualified conference attendee leads with full contact
information.  The OGF members price for this package is $6,000.  We are
working directly with IDG WEC on the pavilion, so you can receive
information about exhibiting from Amy Bonner (Companies A-L) at 508-424-4892
or Christian Montminy (Companies M-Z) at 508-424-4852.

Also, OGF members wishing to go to the event as an attendee will receive a
20% discount on any NGDC conference pass.  Simply register at
www.ngdcexpo.com using the promotion code: H0103. 

Thanks and I look forward to seeing all of you at OGF21 in October and many
of you at NGDC in August.

Steve Crumb
Executive Director, OGF
scrumb at ogf.org
+1 312-895-5931 (new)

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