[ggf-compute] Notes from monthly compute area call

Stephen M Pickles Stephen.Pickles at manchester.ac.uk
Thu Oct 26 11:55:39 CDT 2006

These are my notes from the Compute Area call on

1. Group updates

GRAAP-WG (Wolfgang Ziegler)
  - WS-Agreement is about to go into a third 30-day public
    comment period
  - really want to make this the last one

  - no-one on call

  - no-one on call

OGSA-HPCP-WG (report mailed in by Marty Humphrey)
  - preparations for interop demo at SC06 is flushing out
    issues in OGSA-BES, JSDL, and OGSA-HPCP specs
  - nominations for a co-chair to replace Marvin Theimer
    are closed; one excellent candidate nominated. 

OGSA-RSS-WG (Donal Fellows)
  - joint sessions with OGSA at GGF18 were very useful
  - there is still an opening for a committed co-chair
    to work alongside Donal

  - no-one on call
  - Andreas Savva has succeeded Ali Anjomshoaa as co-chair
  - he was added to this list only today, and so did not
    receive notification of the call (my apologies)

Short status reports are always welcome.
2. OGF19

- session scheduling and early registration should open
  soon (this week or next)
- trying a more W3C-like model, a 5 day event (not too
  much on Friday); Wednesday for cross-WG alignment, town
  hall and more plenary activities; longer working group
  sessions are encouraged; still book 90 minute slots, but
  expect to be able to get back-to-back sessions.

3. AoB


4. Date of Next Meeting

Wed November 29th - apologies from me in advance.

Many northern hemisphere countries will finish summer time
between now and then.

I therefore propose that we start one hour later at 15:00 UTC,
so that the local time in the UK, US and Germany will be the


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