[ogf-alumni] OGF36 is coming to Chicago!

Corell, Gina (glc2z) glc2z at eservices.virginia.edu
Fri Aug 3 15:16:59 EDT 2012

Dear OGF Alum:

You may not have attended an Open Grid Forum (OGF) event in a long time, but many of the standards that we have worked to achieve-from Grids to Clouds to Networking-are now in production.
Open Grid Forum (OGF) events have brought our diverse community together, allowing us to communicate ideas and share our work.

OGF will be holding its 36th conference from 8 to 10 October, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Chicago, Illinois. Chicago is beautiful in October, and the city is one of the largest international hubs in the United States, offering easy access from anywhere in North America or Europe.

Conference themes include:
*           Clouds & Cloud Standards
*           OGF Standards and Profiles in Production (for example in XSEDE):
o          JSDL, DRMAA
o          OGSA stack (OGSA-WSRF BP, OGSA BSP)
o          HPC Basic Profile, HPC File Staging Extensions
o          RNS, ByteIO, gridFTP, SRM
o          SAGA
o          VOMS, WS-Agreement
*           Networking
*           New work in clouds, production grid interoperability, delegation, networking, and so on.

OGF36 is being held in conjunction with the 8th IEEE International eScience Conference, offering a rare opportunity to bring together the global community-representatives from business, governmental, scientific, and academic organizations-in an open forum for ideas and discussion.

We encourage you to join us in Chicago for a chance to find out how OGF standards have been implemented, reunite with old colleagues, meet possible collaborators, and learn about new innovations.
The registration form, as well as the detailed schedule, containing information about the speakers and programs can be found on the OGF website (http://www.ogf.org/OGF36/).

NOTE: If you are also attending the 8th iEEE eScience Conference, remember to enter the OGF36 Discount Code, OGF36, to receive $100 off of your registration costs.

See you in Chicago.

Gina L. Corell, Ph.D.
Communications Director
The University of Virginia Alliance for Computational Science and Engineering

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