[occi-wg] End of public comment period for OCCI 1.2 is today

Sill, Alan alan.sill at ttu.edu
Fri Jul 31 10:04:46 EDT 2015

Just a reminder that the announced public comment period ends today for the proposed recommendation documents for OCCI 1.2 (the same period ended last month for the informational document for OCCI monitoring). Per the usual OGF procedure, nothing prevents further comments from being received and processed by the group after the public comment period, but this marks the end of the required period. 

It's up to the OCCI group to evaluate, incorporate and/or resolve these comments. It can at its choice request an extension of this period or, if changes incorporated into any given document are extensive, choose to request an additional comment period. Once the group is happy with any given document or set of documents, the group chooses when to submit them to the Editor for further review by the GFSG.

Good luck and I'm sure any questions you might have will be willingly answered by Greg Newby (OGF Editor), Richard Hughes-Jones (Area Director for Infrastructure), or Jens Jensen (Vice President of Standards).


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