[occi-wg] OCI, OpenStand, etc

Sill, Alan alan.sill at ttu.edu
Wed Nov 28 01:52:30 EST 2012

OCCI and Cloud Plugfest folks,

In 2011 a group apparently launched an "Open Cloud Initiative" which, however, does not seem to have yet gone anywhere:


For criticism and my response, see also the blog post below by Simon Wardley:


with which I agree - the main point is that execution is everything; you can't just have a good idea.  

I think one of the great things about OCCI is that it is NOT just a "great idea" or even just a good set of published specs -- way beyond the level that the OCI group has reached, as they do not even seem to have formed a list of specs that they think of as "approved" or that represent what they are trying to achieve, much less cataloging implementations.  The same can be said of the OpenStand effort, with which I have been in communication but seems to be just getting its act together and mostly looks to end up as a web site.

My question -- which can be directed to any of the Cloud Plugfest participating organizations and participants -- is whether we should engage with efforts such as OCI and OpenStand officially, and invite them to support and participate in Cloud Plugfests as organizers or media partners, etc.

Thoughts are welcome.


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