[occi-wg] OCCI JSON Rendering Draft

Feldhaus, Florian florian.feldhaus at gwdg.de
Tue May 8 10:17:57 EDT 2012

Hi all,

I went through the JSON rendering and now there is a first more or less consistent version. I still have to improve some parts and prove read everything, but I wanted to discuss a few points with you beforehand. 

- do UUIDs have to be globally unique, unique for all resources within a provider, or for all resources of a certain kind?
-> I would prefer if we don't restrict this too much, thus it would be sufficient to restrict in OCCI Core, that UUIDs are unique for all resources of a certain kind for one OCCI endpoint. The UUID is created by the backend (underlying service provider) or with information from it. Thus, if the resource is migrated to a different service provider, it gets a different UUID anyway.
- I'm not too happy with having the location being part of the kind/mixin rendering, as it is specific to the HTTP representation of the OCCI objects. I thought we might be able to introduce some guideline to derive the location from the term of the kind/mixin and it's related kinds/mixins (e.g. term recursively prepended by term of related kind/mixin). The only problem is, that mixins can have multiple relations. Thus we might have multiple locations for the same mixin. I don't see a problem with it, but it might lead to confusion.

- for Target and Source the URI is sufficient, all further information can be retrieved by the client. There may also be mechanisms to ask the server to directly supply all resources connected via links. But that should be taken care of in HTTP rendering then.
- Source is optional when rendered within resource. Then the link definition is the same for top level link renderings and link renderings within resources.

- can mixins be related to kinds? 
-> I have a resource template as example and was wondering, how one would specify occi.compute.core for this template. If the mixin is related to compute, the attributes are all derived from the compute kind description and can be set to new defaults with the mixin. 

- should action really not be derived from category?
-> I don't see any reason for the current solution (action containing a category). It would be much more consistent, if the Action would also be derived from Category.

Attribute description
- moved pattern and minimum / maximum out of type and into attribute description. This makes it more compatible with JSON schema

- Currently the JSON examples are a bit hard to read. Maybe we could use the LaTeX package "minted" to do automatic highlighting?


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