[occi-wg] Resource & OS templates retrieving

Feldhaus, Florian florian.feldhaus at gwdg.de
Mon May 7 07:00:43 EDT 2012

Hi John,

that's great news! Do you intend to make your OCCI implementation open source? If so, is there a repository where we can check out your code?

Regarding your question:
All categories can be queried through the discovery interface by using
GET /-/
Unfortunately, the OCCI HTTP Rendering specification is not very clear on the filtering:
"If one or multiple Categories are provided in the request the server MUST only return the complete rendering of the requested Kinds or Mixins."

If you interpret custom resource or OS templates as being derived from the resource or OS template category, then you can interpret the specification as follows:
"If one or multiple Categories are provided in the request the server MUST only return the complete rendering of the requested Kinds, Mixins or Kinds and Mixins related to them."

As we are currently in the process of revising the OCCI HTTP Rendering specification it would be a good idea to incorporate the above in it!


Am 07.05.2012 um 11:53 schrieb John Giannelos:

> Hi,
> My name is John Giannelos and I am currently working on an OCCI implementation. 
> After reading the OCCI specifications, I have a question regarding the Resource and OS templates.
> After registering each Resource and OS template available, as a mixin related to the categories "resource_tpl" and "os_tpl", how can we retrieve them?
> The specification says that every OCCI implementation must support a filtering mechanism, which filters the provided categories of the query. But every
> resource and os template is registered as a category itself, thus cannot be retrieved using this filtering mechanism.
> I would appreciate some help.
> Thanks in advance,
> John
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