[occi-wg] [cloudtwg] Groups - Event "Cloud Plugfest Planning Meeting" modified

Thomas Mancuso tom.mancuso at snia.org
Wed Mar 28 15:08:15 EDT 2012

Submitter's message
notes from yesterday's planning call
         -- Mr. Thomas Mancuso
Event Title: Cloud Plugfest Planning Meeting
Date: Tuesday, 27 March 2012, 08:00am - 09:00am PT
 US – Toll Free Access - 1-866-439-4480 
US - Toll Access - 1-212-786-7191 
Participant PIN Code - 16651018# 
 International Access Numbers: http://www.snia.org/international/support 
 WebEx - http://snia.webex.com 
 Meeting number: 793 124 513 
Meeting password: cloud2012 
View Details : https://members.snia.org/apps/org/workgroup/cloudtwg/event.php?event_id=45665


 Preliminary Agenda: 
 - Plugfest #1 Review (Dusseldorf) - what worked and what did not 
- Future Plugfest Dates 
- Plugfest #2 Planning 
-- Location sponsors/hosts? 
-- Volunteers to coordinate sites & manage testing 

 27 March 2012 Cloud Plugfest Planning Meeting 
 Arnold, Silvia, Mark, Tom, Emmanuelle, Florian, 
 - Plugfest #1 Review (Dusseldorf) - what worked and what did not 
-- Things to improve on? 
--- Polycom quality w/satellite microphones 
--- Better participation from remote participants 
--- FAQ for (Logistics) for remote participants 
--- Supply time zones for remote participants (when they plan to dial-in) 
---- Silvia suggested a demo of tools used by ETSI 
--- Client & Server test time/availability schedule posted ahead of time 
--- Consider room block for events hosted at hotels 
--- Excel Templates? Perhaps not used - need an easier way to report out tests using testing tools 
---- OCCI testing suite is one method, TCS used theirs but need capability for all standards for publishing results 
---- took too long to setup on the fly webex sessions (issue was waiting to install webex client) 
 -- What worked well? 
--- presentations time slots 
--- ability to make presentations on the fly 
--- availability of food & beverage throughout day was good 
 -- For future consideration: 
--- planned social event during evening (sponsored/non-sponsored) is a good idea 
--- consider time zones 
--- figure 4-day event with 3-days of overlap 
--- first day for setup 
--- critical mass for a physical location is to have around 3-4 companies present 
 - Cloud Plugfest Dates 
-- Plugfest #2 
--- Dates: June 14-15-16 (Fri-Sat-Sun in US) 
--- ASIA Location: Shenzhen, China 
--- Host: Huawei  
--- Local Coordinator: AI: Mark to send info to Tom 
 --- Europe Location: Delft, Netherlands 
--- Host/Sponsor: OGF 
--- Coordinator: TBD 
 --- North America: TBD - Looking for a host 
--- Host/Sponsor: TBD (maybe Cleversafe or Mezeo) 
--- Coordinator:TBD 
 -- Plugfest #3: September - 17-18-19 (Mon-Tue-Wed in US) 
--- Location: Sophia-Antipolis, France (max 35 seats) 
--- Host: ETSI 
--- Local Coordinator: Emmanuelle Chaulot-Talmon 
 --- North America: Santa Clara, CA 
--- Host/Sponsor: SNIA @Storage Developer's Conference 
--- Coordinator: Arnold Jones 
 --- ASIA Location: TBD 
--- Host: TBD 
--- Local Coordinator: TBD 
 -- Plugfest #4: December 11-12-13 (Tue-Wed-Thur in US) 
--- European Location: Sophia-Antipolis, France (max 35 seats) 
--- Host: ETSI 
--- Local Coordinator: Emmanuelle Chaulot-Talmon 
 --- North America: TBD 
--- Host/Sponsor: TBD 
--- Coordinator: TBD 
 --- ASIA Location: TBD 
--- Host: TBD 
--- Local Coordinator: TBD 
- Link with ETSI technical requirements/capabilities for plugfest collaboration support 
-- registration 
-- wiki 
-- scheduling 
-- access 
-- mailing lists 
-- plugfest agreement coordination 
-- plugfest archive 
-- Security (ETSI badge creation for access) 
--- Schedule Demo for 10 April during regular plugfest planning meeting 
--- AI: Discuss MOU between EtSI and SNIA - Emmanuelle to forward Tom a template 
--- plugfest Survey 
--- Doodle polling for testing scheduling? 
 Next plugfest Planning call is April 10. 

Owner: Mr. Thomas Mancuso
Group: TWG: Cloud Storage

Sharing: This event is shared with the Storage Networking Industry Association (General Membership) group.

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