[occi-wg] OCCI 1.1 for OpenNebula

florian.feldhaus at tu-dortmund.de florian.feldhaus at tu-dortmund.de
Fri May 13 11:42:20 CDT 2011


as a followup to the announcement, I'd like to give some details and like
to announce a second (alpha) release I just uploaded.

Our OCCI Implementation is written in Ruby and we tried to make it
independent from the backend. There currently are two backends
implemented. Once a very simple Dummy Backend, which allows testing of the
OCCI compliance. The other backend is interfacing between the OCCI server
and OpenNebula using the OpenNebula Client API.

As far as we understood the OCCI specification, our implementation is
compliant with the OCCI Core and OCCI HTTP Rendering documents and it
implements all required resources from OCCI Infrastructure and most of the
Mixins (e.g. the Infrastructure templates are not yet implemented). If
testing the implementation, please consider my comments regarding the
specification which I summed up in my mail "Cloud Plugfest summary".

The OpenNebula backend implements a subset of the features offered by our
implementation. Currently the following is working:
- GET is working for entities and kinds/mixins. The OCCI Server does not
yet check for updates of status or parameters in OpenNebula.
- POST is working for creation of entities. Actions are not yet supported,
but will be soon - after some more testing.
- PUT is not yet tested with the backend
- DELETE is working

During startup, all resources known to OpenNebula are initialized by the
OCCI server and can be used through OCCI requests. Images can be uploaded
during creation of OCCI Storage resources. OpenNebula specific features
which could not be mapped to OCCI parameters were implemented as
OpenNebula specific Mixins.

During the implementation we had a lot of problems mapping the OCCI
Infrastructure model to the OpenNebula model. From our point of view it
would be best to specify only a very small set of mandatory parameters for
the Infrastructure resources and then use a model like CIM for more
complex requests. The OCCI Infrastructure model seems to be the central
point for interoperability and thus a lot of experience is required to
find a suitable "best practise". Are there any documents / discussions I
can read to get more information on the decision / next steps for the
Infrastructure model? I would be glad to participate in finding best
practices for interoperability.

I will probably attend OGF 32, who else does?

Also there was an announcement at the end of the last SNIA plugfest that
another plugfest should take place just before OGF 32. If so, I would also
very much like to attend in person. Does anyone have more information on
an upcoming plugfest?


Am 12.05.11 11:40 schrieb "Daniel Molina" unter <dmolina at opennebula.org>:

>The OpenNebula Team is happy to announce a new contribution to the
>ecosystem, OCCI 1.1 for OpenNebula.
>For more information, please visit: http://blog.opennebula.org/?p=1596
>We would like to thank Florian Feldhaus and Piotr Kasprzak for this
>new component.
>Daniel Molina, Cloud Technology Engineer/Researcher
>Major Contributor
>OpenNebula - The Open Source Toolkit for Cloud Computing
>www.OpenNebula.org | dmolina at opennebula.org
>occi-wg mailing list
>occi-wg at ogf.org

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