[occi-wg] Updated SDC HoLD exercises document

Kleiman, Greg Greg.Kleiman at netapp.com
Thu Sep 2 13:12:00 CDT 2010

Attached is the updated HoLD exercises document from our call today.

I captured the action items on the last page as well as below in this


1. Mark to provide screen shots for Exercises #1 and make sure this
section is consistent with his slides

2. Hope will send out the XAM treasure hunt Sept. 3 to the google group
and everyone should comment on that before our next Sept. 9 10am PT

3. Rich will write up the iPAD client instructions and send them out to
the Google group before Sept. 9

4. Scott will create some instructions for the Flash exercises and send
them to the the Google group before Sept. 9

5. Hope will review slides for Michael's Java FX client session and then
determine if need additional text before Sept. 9

6. Can someone confirm that we will have wireless internet access in the
room? Marty?

7. Hope will prep the memory stick master with the CDMI spec, Ref
Implementation, and exercise tools including netbeans, flash, anything
else for exercises.  Final content for the memory stick is due 9/15.

8. Hope will confirm the deadline with Christine for printed materials

9. Mark, Rich, David, Scott, and Michael will be physically in the HoLD
room to assist people with the exercises.

10. Marty - Can you please confirm the laptops from Dell are available
and will be shipped and set up during the break just before Mark's SDC
session Monday afternoon?


Please respond to the google group with your action items before our
next call on Sept. 9 because we need to finalize things then to meet the
SDC deadlines.


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