[occi-wg] Cluster kind or such

Csom Gyula csom at interface.hu
Tue May 11 13:18:18 CDT 2010

Hi Andy,
Thank you for your response!  

Edmonds, AndrewX wrote:
> Hey Gyula!
> Great to have another OCCI adopter on board! 
> Yes currently there is no _explicit_ representation of a cluster or a "system of compute entities" in the specification. What I would suggest is two-fold. First, have 
> a look at the section on Categories. I've used categories to group multiple compute resources into "services" (could easily be cluster depending on your context) and 
> then perform operations across those compute entities that share the same service category. 

Our preliminary idea was to "tag" compute resources with cluster specific attributes. Thus instead of introducing a brand new entity, we thought we
might go on with existing ones, and just introduce new attributes. I'll look after the Categories section you mentioned, to see how it suits our needs... 

> Second, if you find that categories are either not rich enough or that they are simply not appropriate then, the group would sincerely appreciate a proposal on how 
> best you would see this specified in the specification. This brings me on to your question of peer review. If you do have something that you would like to see brought 
> into the specification, describe it as best you can and present it to the mailing list. It's here were the OCCI community can then discuss the suggestion and see how 
> best to accommodate the suggestion, whether it be an OCCI extension or part of the core specification. There is also the weekly OCCI confcall [1] and its facilities 
> available to discuss suggested modifications and additions to the specification

Whenever I'll have more details on the subject, I'll post it to the list. (Just to be specific: currently we're finishing the analysis cycle, and 
will start the development at june, thus a shape model will be created soon.)

> HTH,
> Andy
> [1] http://forge.ogf.org/sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.occi-wg/wiki/TeleconferenceCalls


Ps.: I had problems in receiving emails from the list. Donno the reason... it might be due to our mail server. Anyway I had to "reply" to my own mail, and manually copy your response:( 

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