[occi-wg] Cloud Audit slides

Sam Johnston samj at samj.net
Wed Mar 3 20:29:54 CST 2010


So I haven't said much on the subject yet, beyond highlighting the
opportunity, but I think it would be sensible for us to list
CloudAudit (A6) alongside CDMI as a compatible/suggested/recommended
API. Like CDMI, CloudAudit provides important functionality that is
just outside of the OCCI charter - rather than bloat OCCI it makes a
lot more sense for us to align ourselves with other groups.

Thus far CloudAudit can coexist with OCCI at the same API entry point,
so it is just a case of advertising its existence to OCCI clients
and/or suggesting that implementors may want to implement both specs
together. It does this by using an unusual but standardised directory:
/.well-known/cloudaudit/ (the .well-known directory was created for
services like robots.txt so as to avoid polluting the root namespace).

We have done two things in the current proposals to foster adoption of
CloudAudit - made the v1 API dead simple (it can thus far be
implemented with 0 LOC, simply by creating files on a web server) and
provided an optional resolution service at cloudaudit.net to make it
immediately useful (you can play in our sandbox at
http://cloudaudit.net/.well-known/cloudaudit/). It is likely that
CloudAudit will be useful for OCCI implementors and vice versa - thus
facilitating the adoption of both APIs.

You would be surprised how flexible this approach is:
 - detection is trivial
 - implementation is fast & costs are negligible (contrast to months
to get even a simple REST API into production at a large site)
 - like OCCI we can support any format:
  - simple boolean primitives (`touch <file>`)
  - structured formats (xml, json, etc.)
  - human-friendly formats (PDF printouts or TIFF faxes of auditor
reports, DOC/ODF originals, etc.)
 - compatible with other APIs, websites, etc. co-located at the same
URI (e.g. http://cloud.example.com)
 - all the usual caching/proxying goodness of HTTP
 - security (confidentiality, integrity by way of SSL, availability by
way of DNS)

Technically the integration would likely be implemented as a <link
rel="http://cloudaudit.org/" href="http://cloud.example.com"
title="CloudAudit" /> or similar.

Anyway for more information or to join visit
http://www.cloudaudit.org/ (and A6 people can find out more about OCCI
at http://www.occi-wg.org/)

Sam (who was in a data center today and thus unable to join the call(s))

On 3/3/10, Krishna Sankar <ksankar42 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thijs,
>     Good question. I was going to raise this today. This is something which
> is still not fully defined. We have the concept of a "glue code" which need
> to be elaborated. Maybe, a call just for the "glue code" might be in order.
> Cheers
> <k/>
> On 3/3/10 Wed Mar 3, 10, "Thijs Metsch" <Thijs.Metsch at Sun.COM> wrote:
>> Thanks!
>> @Sam: can you update us a bit on the CloudAudit/OCCI connection? I'm
>> almost always unable to attend the CloudAudit calls :-(
>> Thanks,
>> -Thijs
>> On Wed, 2010-03-03 at 08:32 -0700, Mark A. Carlson wrote:
>>> From the ongoing calls.
>>> -- mark
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