[occi-wg] Editorial tool

Thijs Metsch tmetsch at platform.com
Thu Jul 1 02:37:22 CDT 2010

Hi @all,

Since DocBook hasn't turned out to be the best tool for editing our
specs I wanted to bring up the discussion on how the following revision
should be edited. I guess we have several options - and feel free to add

* Word/OpenOffice 
Pro: Ease of use (Templates available)
Contra: Merging and version control

* Latex
Pro: Merging, version control easy (Andre could help with templates)
Contra: Not so easy to use

* Plain TXT files in Wiki --> then use a tool for formatting when
Pro: Easy editable
Contra: Not so cool for graphics etc. (formatting)

Feel free to add more and state you preference - It would be cool if in
future a lot of people can help edit the specs.



Thijs Metsch
Senior Software Engineer Grid and Cloud Technology
Platform Computing GmbH
Europaring 60
D-40878 Ratingen

http://www.nohuddleoffense.de/ - http://www.twitter.com/befreax

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