[occi-wg] Demo call today

Gary Mazz garymazzaferro at gmail.com
Wed Feb 24 10:45:19 CST 2010


I'm traveling and cannot make the call.

I've been working to develop a occi reference document that is both 
XHTML5 syntactically correct and RDFa semantically correct. 
Additionally, the reference document scheme needs to be supported by 
some existing rdfa library.  I have a handle on most items, but I'm 
still working on specific details of a minimalistic mapping of the occi 
scheme to RDFa. This work should be complete by Monday. 

RDFa libraries: I'm currently evaluating several RDFa libraries. One 
criteria is language bindings for both Ruby, used in the server-side 
occi/OpenNebula  implementation, and the client-side Java 
implementation. Selecting a common library between the server and client 
may allow us to reuse occi xhtml5 parsing, authoring and search 
capabilities. As a fallback, the client and sever can always use 
different libraries.


Mark A. Carlson wrote:
> You can join the webex at snia.webex.com, Cloud TWG
> password: cloud2010
> Usual dialin number
> -- mark

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