[occi-wg] Moving Forward

Andre Merzky andre at merzky.net
Thu Oct 22 12:05:16 CDT 2009

Hi all,

Proposal:  Stop discussing the attribut topic (*), *at* *all*, and 
postpone a resolution to either a phone call, or the face to face 

From what I have seen, the technical disagreements are minor - the
concerns about applicability of the technology are major.  That is
nothing which you will be able to resolve by mail as it seems, so,
rather then getting bogged down on that topic, try to move on.  My
understanding of OCCI may be limited, but I think that none of the
other open tickets and discussion items[1] would be affected by
postponing the attribute-in-header issue.

I am confident that you *will* find a compromise, one way or the 
other, and, from what I understand, either solution will work toward 
an implementable standard, and either solution will be considered as
sub-optimal by some.  Thats life, and, IMHO, acceptable.

Best, Andre (wearing my AD hat).

(*) IIUC, this is what the last 124 mails have been all about

[1] http://code.google.com/p/occi/issues/list

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