[occi-wg] moving forward

Tony Lucas tony at xcalibre.co.uk
Tue May 26 16:43:35 CDT 2009

Alexis (and all),

<snip lots of useful and relevant bits>
> I think this is so eminently sensible that I am going to PROPOSE A
> COURSE OF ACTION.  Please - everyone - this is my view as one of the
> three chairs, but I want to appeal to you - is this a plan around
> which we can proceed - is there consensus here?
> A) Take the Sun and GoGrid models (and use cases) and see what they
> offer.  These meet the criteria of being open and based on reality.
> Recall the comparison matrix here:
> http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pGccO5mv6yH8Y4wV1ZAJrbQ
> B) Because the Sun API provides a RESTful picture of a data center, I
> suggest we first ask: how can the GoGrid model improve it?  At the
> same time ask: how can the OCCI state model improve it?  I'd love to
> see Andy help us shape this discussion and bring some of the OGF
> community to bear on the problem - especially the *formal* end of
> making a clear spec that can facilitate interop.
> C) With these basics done, let's build from the base we will have
> created.  What requirements do Sun/GoGrid/OCCI not meet?  What changes
> or extensions are needed?  This is where I think we really want to
> hear from people like Sam (eg
> atom/links/documents/collections/caching) and from cloud providers eg
> Richard and Chris from EH, and from the enterprise BigCo people.
> D) Show this work to the people on the list and people watching the
> conversation.  Is this implementable - and are enough people willing
> to have a crack at implementing a prototype or several prototypes?  If
> so then I would suggest that - at that time - we had reached an OCCI
> 0.9 draft.  Here, Thijs is (a) acting as a liaison point with the
> other standards bodies like DMTF, and (b) looking at Extension points
> and alternative renderings.
> What do people think?  Speak out here.  Invite people to the list to
> join this process and they can speak out.  Tell people - will this
> process work?
I have continued to watch the OCCI list with interest, and will make a 
concerted effort to review the current proposals to come back with 
comments in the next few days.  My apologies for myself or my team not 
having interacted more already, but current work commitments within the 
company have prevented this so far.

We made an open pledge some months back that we would willingly adopt a 
new API standard based on what made most commercial sense, and I 
certainly think OCCI has come a long way towards this.


Tony Lucas
Chief Executive Officer

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