[occi-wg] "Approachability" of API

Richard Davies richard.davies at elastichosts.com
Wed May 20 09:25:00 CDT 2009

Sam Johnston wrote:
> > Is that list correct? What else is there?
> Let me know as you come up with more questions

OK - so I'm glad that my identified points of difference were almost all
correct and mostly rearrangements (which each make it more ugly and heavy
than the POX in my view, but are admittedly individually small steps).

My question was really about my "unknown unknowns" - i.e. is that set of
differences complete, or are there other things which have to be added. I'm
not enough of an AtomPub expert to write a longer fuller list and believe it
is complete, but I'm sure that someone on this list is!

What other point of difference from POX are there which I missed which
AtomPub would require in either the server or the client in order to be



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