[occi-wg] Is OCCI the HTTP of Cloud Computing?

Tim Bray Tim.Bray at Sun.COM
Tue May 12 00:34:16 CDT 2009

On May 11, 2009, at 1:54 PM, Sam Johnston wrote:

> The ideal core protocol would contain no references to  
> infrastructure, rather allow manipulation of resources (CRUD,  
> linking, actuators) irrespective of what the resource was. It would  
> thus be reusable for any resource (as Google have done for 16  
> different services and who knows how many different resource types  
> already with GData).

Odd though it may seem, until I saw this I didn't grok what Sam was  
proposing.  Maybe I still don't, but let me take a guess:

You're focusing not so much Atom the RFC4287 data format, but AtomPub   
the RFC5023 publishing protocol as implemented notably in GData and  
lots of other places, and do generic Web-resource CRUD where the  
resources happen to represent cloud infrastructure objects.  Thus you  
outsource most of the work of CRUD specification.  Then, you layer  
cloud-specific stuff on top of that.  Then collections of servers and  
clusters and networks and so on are perforce represented as Atom Feeds.

Is that the essence of it?  -Tim

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