[occi-wg] thought on interoperability vs. integration

Sam Johnston samj at samj.net
Sat May 9 18:47:19 CDT 2009

Surely it makes a good deal more sense to use a mature format we know
works *for now* and migrate to something more elegant later, once we
have everyone (Google, SNIA, etc.) on board/working together and once
glaring gaps like schemas and transforms have been filled?

As I said before, the current JSON output is the worst case (it's a
generic XML->JSON transform) but an Atom->JSON transform would be much
better. That way you get your JSON, Chris (and the sysadmins) get
their text, my enterprise guys get their XML and we get a coherent web
interface for free.

Sam on iPhone

On 5/10/09, Alexis Richardson <alexis.richardson at gmail.com> wrote:
> Sam,
> Briefly - I shall reply tomorrow:
> - Please enjoy the weekend ffs!
> - I admit my argument for JSON vs XML is weaker than the argument I
> made for one format, which I think is more robust, but please do
> criticise either argument as you see fit
> - Do note that my argument for JSON was to use it as the common format *for
> now*
> - We are not telling anyone to f off, we are trying to produce
> something good that people can integrate with; I am not trying to
> trash anything you or anyone else has done - we are however trying to
> reach some sort of consensus which we all agree we have not reached
> yet
> - I agree, and have stated very clearly, that JSON folks should lay
> out some work and in fact Richard et al. already volunteered to do so.
>  It would be churlish to not give them that opportunity.
> alexis
> On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 11:03 PM, Sam Johnston <samj at samj.net> wrote:
>> Ok so since we're talking about trashing countless hours of my work and
>> missing our deadlines for what appears to be (assuming perhaps a little
>> too
>> much good faith) nothing more than personal preference, and bearing in
>> mind
>> that I've been working on this since 4am this morning, on my birthday,
>> which
>> I've since had to cancel due to a nasty plane flu (thus the surly meter is
>> already well and truly pegged), I'm of course going to have something to
>> say
>> - even if I lack the energy and inclination to give this the comprehensive
>> retort that it deserves at this time.
>> For a start I know nothing about AMQP so I have nothing to say about the
>> AMQP assertions, but the XML and JSON assertions are patently false and
>> bordering on FUD (XML having extensibility and validation features when
>> doesn't is a drawback? JSON has less "entropy" so it's easier to test
>> conformance even in the absence of schemas? XML is to blame for WS-*? Sun
>> Cloud API, currently a work in progress, has proven something? Seriously,
>> WTF?).
>> There is absolutely no question from anyone that XML is up to the task
>> (Google have already proven it on a large scale) but significant concerns
>> about whether JSON is - concerns that remain unanswered despite my
>> repeated
>> requests for answers and concerns that this proposal seeks to postpone or
>> avoid entirely, thus making them someone else's problem. While most APIs
>> currently support multiple formats (even GData offer a JSON option for
>> convenience if not interop) I am yet to find a single successful JSON-only
>> API so this all sounds a bit too experimental for my liking.
>> Furthermore, given that things that are trivial with XML (transforms,
>> embedding, signatures, encryption, etc.) are currently impossible with
>> JSON,
>> this is the mother of all externalisations (that is, leaving our users up
>> the creek without a paddle when we are in the best position to solve the
>> problem by making practical choices). It's also a disappointing attempt to
>> foist personal preferences on others when we can trivially cater for the
>> entire spectrum of needs using XML & XSLT (work which I have alread done
>> and
>> demonstrated I might add - the absence of any volunteers to reinvent the
>> wheel given I'm not about to is also disconcerting). Other difficult
>> questions like the serialisation and serious performance problems of using
>> hrefs (1 request for XML vs 1+n for JSON) have also been conveniently
>> ignored thus far and the best answer I've got about the absence of
>> embedding
>> functionality in JSON is that as XML isn't perfect we're better off with
>> nothing?!?
>> Most critically though, by telling SNIA, Google and pretty much everyone
>> else in the cloud standard space that they can go fornicate themselves,
>> and
>> in doing so missing the [only] opportunity to standardise a well proven,
>> risk-free, extensible protocol on which others can safely build, I think
>> we
>> may well be witnessing the inception of CC-* (that is, WS-*, JSON
>> edition).
>> More specifically, if we slam the door on the possibility of others
>> building
>> on our efforts then they will have little choice but to blaze their own
>> trail, forcing clients to support a myriad standards (OCCI for trivial
>> management tasks, OVF for compute resources, SNIA's stuff for storage and
>> possibly networking, etc.).
>> I for one have negative interest in supporting something that I believe
>> could do more damage than good and knowing what happened previously,
>> learning from our mistakes and practicing the precautionary
>> principle would
>> be well advised. I'm currently OCCI's number one fan but if this attempt
>> to
>> pwn the process is successful then those who witnessed the CCIF goat rodeo
>> well know that I have no problems saying it how I see it.
>> What I would suggest is that those who want to see JSON adopted get to
>> work
>> on cutting code to prove the concept as I have done already for XML -
>> loose
>> consensus and running code remember.
>> Sam (who can't help but to observe that the key JSON junkies all have
>> significant business investment in same)
>> On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 10:25 PM, Krishna Sankar (ksankar)
>> <ksankar at cisco.com> wrote:
>>> Alexis et al,
>>> a)      Wiki
>>>        Yep, time to have a Wiki or some form of threaded discussion,
>>> other than e-mail. Having said that, let me add to the entropy ;o)
>>> b)      Interop vs Integration
>>>        Agreed. Just as one more POV, interop tests the functionality
>>> while integration tests the ability to work with various systems. So
>>> interop first, with one format, is good.
>>>        As you said, our first goal is to be functionally complete and
>>> have that canonical model, which when done, means, collectively we have
>>> understood the essential domain complexity (at least the current state
>>> of the art, as Tim pointed out a while ago)
>>> c)      "Transport"
>>>        Interesting pointer to AMQP. What about XMPP as the substrate ?
>>> (Of course, it could mean XML ;o))
>>> d)      CDATA
>>>        The CDATA issue pointed by Sam is an interesting one. I was also
>>> thinking of the implications and had the question whether we plan to
>>> chuck OVF through our APIs? I think, we can take a position like html -
>>> i.e. use href mechanism as far as possible and base64 for the rest.
>>> e)      OGF-25 Presentation
>>>        Most probably we will not get to agreement on all the important
>>> points by OGF-25. We don't have to. At GGF-25, we present the state of
>>> our work - demark what we have agreed upon, and the alternatives we are
>>> working on. And until 1.0, things will be unstable anyway. Plus we can
>>> honestly represent the different camps and seek insights from the crowd.
>>> So I do not think GGF-25 is in critical path in anyway.
>>> f)      Disagreeing with Sam
>>>        I also agree that we should not en-masse disagree with Sam. But
>>> as Alexis' points out, the minimal scope vs. maximum coverage is the
>>> key. We can restrict or curtail the APIs to a minimum set - without any
>>> reduction in functionality; for example use hrefs instead of embedding.
>>> Constraints are wonderful thongs !
>>> Cheers & have a nice day
>>> <k/>
>>> |-----Original Message-----
>>> |From: occi-wg-bounces at ogf.org [mailto:occi-wg-bounces at ogf.org] On
>>> Behalf
>>> |Of Alexis Richardson
>>> |Sent: Saturday, May 09, 2009 11:48 AM
>>> |To: occi-wg at ogf.org
>>> |Subject: [occi-wg] thought on interoperability vs. integration
>>> |
>>> |Hi all,
>>> |
>>> |Thanks for a thought-provoking week of emails on the OCCI-WG list.
>>> |Especially thanks to Sam, Richard, Ben and Tim for laying out a lot of
>>> |the issues.
>>> |
>>> |One link that I found useful was this:
>>> |http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2009/03/16/Sun-Cloud where we
>>> |find the following statement:
>>> |
>>> |---
>>> |if Cloud technology is going to take off, there'll have to be a
>>> |competitive ecosystem; so that when you bet on a service provider, if
>>> |the relationship doesn't work out there's a way to take your business
>>> |to another provider with relatively little operational pain. Put
>>> |another way: no lock-in.  ... I got all excited about this back in
>>> |January at that Cloud Interop session. Anant Jhingran, an IBM VIP,
>>> |spoke up and said "Customers don't want interoperability, they want
>>> |integration." ...  "Bzzzzzzzzzt! Wrong!" I thought. But then I
>>> |realized he was only half wrong; anyone going down this road needs
>>> |integration and interoperability.
>>> |---
>>> |
>>> |What we have been discussing is "for customers".  So it is about both
>>> |of these things:
>>> |
>>> |* Interoperability ("interop")
>>> |* Integration
>>> |
>>> |This made me realise that our OCCI discussions have correctly been
>>> |about both issues.  But, incorrectly, we have been commingling the
>>> |two.  For example a person will say "you need X for interop" and the
>>> |reply will be "but you need Y" when in fact Y is for integration.  And
>>> |vice versa.
>>> |
>>> |This is a problem for us because it leads to confusion.  But it's a
>>> |symptom of a larger problem which is that interop and integration have
>>> |opposite requirements.
>>> |
>>> |* Interop is about reducing the entropy in a general purpose system
>>> |down to some level of behavioural invariance.  This minimises the cost
>>> |of meeting the defined behaviour correctly, and minimises the risk of
>>> |different behaviours breaking interop.  This is in turn about having a
>>> |defined behaviour (in some format) and minimising its scope.
>>> |
>>> |* Integration is about minimising the frictions between (a) the
>>> |general purpose system and (b) any specific purpose external system
>>> |that may be coupled to it.  It is also, often, about maximising the
>>> |number of specific systems (or "features") that may be connected.
>>> |Since we don't know ex ante what those are, this tends to maximise
>>> |scope (eg "feature creep").  Too much specificity is the same as
>>> |complexity.
>>> |
>>> |Because interop requires minimal scope, and integration pushes for
>>> |maximal scope, they are in tension.
>>> |
>>> |They are BOTH about simplicity.  Simplicity cannot be invoked on its
>>> |own, as a reason for preferring interop over integration:
>>> |
>>> |* Interop is about simplicity of definition
>>> |
>>> |* Integration is about simplicity of end use
>>> |
>>> |BUT
>>> |
>>> |* Interop simplicity is ex ante
>>> |
>>> |* Integration simplicity is ex post
>>> |
>>> |We cannot predict all ex post issues, but we can try and make simple
>>> |definitions ex ante.  I argue below this means we have to have ONE
>>> |definition.
>>> |
>>> |So let's look at interop first:
>>> |
>>> |It's really important that interop be based on defined behaviour.  Or
>>> |it cannot be verified.  Lack of verifiability is almost always a
>>> |symptom that something is opaque, complex and ambiguous, which will
>>> |break interop in subtle ways that cannot be seen in advance (due to
>>> |the opacity).  This later leads to brittleness when interop and
>>> |integration are attempted in practice; and that leads to expensive
>>> |patching at all levels, ... which is one thing that WS-* exhibits.
>>> |
>>> |NOTE 1 on WS-* ---- IMO this was not accidental, and due to focussing
>>> |on solving integration before solving interop.  IIRC, the first WS-*
>>> |was an Interop committee to fix minor vendor mismatches and versioning
>>> |issues in prior WS protocols such as WSDL and SOAP.  The formalisms of
>>> |WSDL and SOAP were not precise enough to spot these issues upfront, so
>>> |they were left until it was too late.
>>> |
>>> |Now let's look at the implications of having a definition of behaviour:
>>> |
>>> |You cannot define a system using multiple definitions.  You have to
>>> |have one definition, preferably in a formalism that admits of
>>> |automatic conformance testing.  In the case of data formats, this
>>> |leads us to three possible choices:
>>> |
>>> |1) We remove data formats from the interop profile.  They are not part
>>> |of interop.  Data interop is excluded.  Data payloads are opaque
>>> |blobs.
>>> |
>>> |OR
>>> |2) We have one data format that can be defined unambiguously.
>>> |
>>> |OR
>>> |3) We have multiple formats and derive them from a single unambiguous
>>> |definition using canonical, verifiable, automatable, mappings.  This
>>> |definition can either be in a new format which we invent (option 3a)
>>> |or it can be in an existing format (option 3b).
>>> |
>>> |I am going to rule out option (3a) on grounds of time and due to the
>>> |prevalence of existing candidates.
>>> |
>>> |Also, I think choice (1) is a complete cop-out -- I don't see how we
>>> |can claim 'useful' interop without data interop.  This leaves options
>>> |(2) and (3b).  BOTH of these options require one format.
>>> |
>>> |By occam's razor, option 2 is preferable on grounds of simplicity -
>>> |option (3b) does not add anything except one mapping for every extra
>>> |format that is based on the core definition.  Such complexity MUST be
>>> |deferred as long as possible, and MAY be pushed into integration use
>>> |cases.  The latter is preferable.  Complexity MAY be added later if
>>> |necessary and then, reluctantly.
>>> |
>>> |As a general observation if you have complexity (entropy) in a system,
>>> |it is very hard to take out.  It may permeate the system at all
>>> |levels.  Removal of the complexity is known as 'complete refactoring'.
>>> | This is a bad outcome.  Even worse is when refactoring cannot be done
>>> |for commercial reasons, eg because the systems are in production.
>>> |Then the complexity must be encapsulated and hidden.  Attempts to wrap
>>> |complex behaviours in simpler packaging usually fail.
>>> |
>>> |NOTE 2 on WS-* ---- This tried to do too much and ended up trying to
>>> |wrap the complexity in simple packaging.  This usually fails to work
>>> |as we have seen.
>>> |
>>> |Another general observation:
>>> |
>>> |* Integration requires interop, ie. the use of a common general
>>> |interop model; otherwise it is piecemeal and pointless.  Example - the
>>> |old 'integration brokers' that had N*N connections to maintain, and
>>> |which got replaced by N connections to a common system.
>>> |
>>> |* But you can have interop without integration - it just means 'you
>>> |have a smaller audience'.  This is fine because you can always grow
>>> |your audience by integrating more case with the interoperating core.
>>> |It is easier to do that when the interoperating core is
>>> |programmatically simple (as in low entropy, small code blocks, easy to
>>> |test conformance to the definition).
>>> |
>>> |I would like to add some observations from the world of AMQP...
>>> |
>>> |AMQP-1) It is a protocol with one simple common data format - it gets
>>> |that right.  We leave it to integration products and services to
>>> |support data formats at the edge (eg "ESBs").  OCCI should not be like
>>> |an ESB - that is for products and services in the integration
>>> |business.
>>> |
>>> |AMQP-2) That AMQP data format is not XML - see below for more thoughts
>>> |on that.  XML can be carried as an attached payload (just as it can be
>>> |in the JSON case btw).
>>> |
>>> |AMQP-3) The 0-8 and 0-9 specs took 18 months of production use to show
>>> |up the many very tiny interop bugs.  We used those to create 0-9-1
>>> |which does have interop (we have tested this) and is only 40 pages
>>> |long.  This would not have been possible with a complex spec.  It
>>> |would not have been possible with multiple data formats.
>>> |
>>> |AMQP-4) The 0-10 spec was focussed on supporting a lot of use cases eg
>>> |"integrate with multiple transport formats including SCTP and TCP and
>>> |UDP" and adding lots of features at all levels (eg JMS, support for
>>> |hardware, ..).  That spec is really complicated and nearly 300 pages
>>> |long.  Some great new ideas are in it, but it's long and in my own
>>> |opinion not supportive of two interoperating implementations.
>>> |
>>> |AMQP-5) All these painful lessons have taken the AMQP working group to
>>> |a much happier place with AMQP 1.0 which tries to simplify everything
>>> |by taking stuff out that is not needed for interop, plus refactoring
>>> |(see above my comments on how removing entropy is hard) and clean-up.
>>> |
>>> |All of the above has taken time because we did not learn from WS-*.
>>> |We did too much too fast and confused interop with integration.  We
>>> |are back on track now.
>>> |
>>> |Now to the issue of data formats.  I have already argued that FOR
>>> |INTEROP, there must be one definition.  I argued that the best way to
>>> |do this is via a suitable single format.  We can support as many
>>> |recommended ways as we like FOR INTEGRATION ... and they can be
>>> |evolved over time.
>>> |
>>> |Here is my 2c on XML.
>>> |
>>> |XML-1) XML lets you do too much - because of namespaces and xsd it is
>>> |in effect multiple formats.  This is bad - we want a single, testable,
>>> |constrained definition for data interop.
>>> |
>>> |XML-2) To enforce compliance with a simple XML definition, you need to
>>> |have an extra definition of a well formed 'small' document.  But
>>> |creating a new definition of a data format in XML is equivalent to
>>> |defining a new data format, the same as 'option 3a' above.  But that
>>> |option was ruled out above, on grounds of time constraint.. provided
>>> |that a suitable alternative exists already (see JSON claims below).
>>> |
>>> |NOTE 3 on WS-* ---- IMHO a third reason why WS-* failed to be simple
>>> |enough to get happy, quick and wide adoption, is that (XML-1) issue
>>> |left too much data integration in the hands of customers, because
>>> |vendors could not produce useful products when XML could be all things
>>> |to all people.  By not delivering on data integration, it became hard
>>> |to deliver on the promise of integration at all.  And recall that
>>> |lowering integration costs was the selling point...
>>> |
>>> |So let's get INTEROP right and then do INTEGRATION.
>>> |
>>> |Interop requires:
>>> |
>>> |* Model - yes
>>> |* Data format - one definition
>>> |* Metadata - ? tbd
>>> |
>>> |As an aside - I think that GData is the nuts but it is also really an
>>> |*integration techonology*.
>>> |
>>> |Now, here are some claims about JSON:
>>> |
>>> |JSON-1) Sun have demonstrated that it is plausible as a data model for
>>> |a cloud API.  That makes it plausible for us to ask: can it be used as
>>> |the core definition for interop?
>>> |
>>> |JSON-2) It is lower entropy than XML.  This makes it easy to test
>>> |conformance.
>>> |
>>> |JSON-3) This means we do things the right way round -- simpler 'ex
>>> |ante' choices make it EASIER for us to extend and enhance the protocol
>>> |on a by need basis.  For example carrying OVF payloads, or other
>>> |integration points.  Many will be done by users.
>>> |
>>> |So my recommendation is that the best way to avoid WS-* outcomes is
>>> |
>>> |A) Use one format for interop.  Do interop first.  Integration later.
>>> |B) *At least for now* and *during the working draft* stage, to use JSON
>>> |C) Other formats, for now, are "integration".  But we do interop first.
>>> |
>>> |OK.... I have to run off.  I wrote this down in one go and don't have
>>> |time to review it.  Apologies for any mistakes in the presentation.
>>> |
>>> |What do you all think?
>>> |
>>> |alexis
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