[occi-wg] Nouns and Verbs (was: Syntax of OCCI API)

Simon Wardley simon.wardley at canonical.com
Fri Apr 17 06:18:22 CDT 2009

Hi Sam,

My $0.00001 worth and sorry if these questions / observations are dumb.

> {noun{verb{attribute}}} vector 

+1 for this.

> I specifically don't like the idea of differentiating between physical
> and virtual resources

I couldn't agree more with this statement. 

The language used should be consistent regardless of the mechanism of
implementation of a resource. If I'm using a remote infrastructure
service, there should be no reason for me to care how that
infrastructure is delivered other than that resource has certain
attributes (e.g. persistence etc).

In the format of {noun{verb{attribute}}}

The approach of {resource_provider/my_id/servers {create{attributes}}
should simply create a server with the attributes given.

> Ok so nouns and verbs (ignoring CRUD which is common anyway):
> storage:
>  - snapshot?
>  - backup?

My really dumb questions are:-

1. In the format of {noun{verb{attribute}}}  shouldn't back-up and
snapshot simply be:-

{resource_provider/my_id/storage/my_backup_store {update

2. When it comes to stopping and starting servers, aren't these simply
attributes of the server. Whether its active state is on or off seems
little different from other attributes of that specific resource.

The only reason why we describe a process of stopping or starting a
server at this moment in time is because of hardware constraints, but
then I'm an old git and remember the 5 minutes or so that I use to have
to wait to "park" my winchester drives before switching off the power. 

I fully expect future SSD to have near instantaneous changes in state.

So my question is, are we describing verbs for attribute changes that
are transitory at this moment in time?

Should we not simplify to actual actions on the server resource itself,
i.e. :-

creating a server
{resource_provider/my_id/servers {create{attributes}}

deleting a server
{resource_provider/my_id/servers/some_server {delete{...}}

reading characteristics of a server
{resource_provider/my_id/servers/some_server {read{some attribute}}

cloning a server

stopping / starting a server
{resource_provider/my_id/servers/some_server {update{state attribute}}

list all servers (or servers with a specific attribute such as running)
{resource_provider/my_id/servers {read{{...}}

The same seems to be generally true with other resources (i.e. storage,
networks, servers etc).

Just my thoughts, I'd define a range of nouns for common resources, a
limited set of verbs for actions and a range of attributes to describe
common characteristics.

Feel free to ignore me if I've missed the point.

Simon Wardley
Software Services Manager,
Canonical Ltd.
TEL: +44 (0)207 630 2451
MOB : +44 (0)7972 911 449
TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/swardley/

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