[Nml-wg] hasService / hasInboundPort

Roman Łapacz romradz at man.poznan.pl
Wed Mar 13 10:59:03 EDT 2013

W dniu 2013-03-13 15:43, Freek Dijkstra pisze:
> On 13-03-2013 10:39, Roman Łapacz wrote:
>>>> - A Port can have a "hasService" relation to a SwitchingService
>>>> - A SwitchingService can have a "hasInboundPort" relation to a Port
>>>> Perhaps it would make sense to suggest a preference that one of them
>>>> must be there and that the other is optional. The second relation is
>>>> slightly more informative, so that is probably better.
>> If you state SHOULD NOT then it's better to remove it from the schema.
>> It's better to do it now, when NML is not really used by some
>> applications, then later.
> hasService is used for other relations, including from a (server layer)
> Port to an AdaptationService. Removing hasService would require us to
> introduce a new relation type for that relation as well. I think we're
> too far into the document publication process to make such a change.

Hmm, right (checked in the example section).


> Freek

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