[Nml-wg] Labels

Roman Łapacz romradz at man.poznan.pl
Fri Apr 27 08:19:51 EDT 2012


the final proposal how the labels could look like is as follows (RNC 

Label =
     element nml:label {
         element nml:parameter {
             attribute name { "type" }&
             element nml:parameter {
                 attribute name { text }&
             } +
         ) |
     } +

### taken from nmc base schema

anyElement = element * {anyThing }

anyAttribute = attribute * { text }

anyThing =
         anyElement |
         anyAttribute |

an example:

     <nml:parameter name="type">c-vlan</nml:parameter>
     <nml:parameter name="value>42</nml:parameter>

     <nml:parameter name="type">wavelength</nml:parameter>
     <nml:parameter name="unit">nm</nml:parameter>
     <nml:parameter name="spacing">25GHz</nml:parameter>
     <nml:parameter name="value">1500</nml:parameter>

By default, other nemaspaces than nml basic one are not needed but I 
would not forbid them. Use of a set of nml:parameter elements (flat 
structure) seems to be enough flexible to cover almost all possible 
cases but I can imagine a very rare requirement to have a nested 
structure inside nml:label, for example:

<nml:paremeter name="type">xyz</nml:parameter>

(that is why I've added anyElement in the RNC snippet)

If you are 100% sure that such a requirement will not come up I'm fine 
to remove this extension possibility.


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